A client library that wraps the Windows Device Portal REST APIs.
- 2
Will there ever be a CreateFolderAsync() method added to the core Device Portal API?
#266 opened by gjrgj - 1
- 4
Upload errors on Windows build 203xxx
#310 opened by david-c-kline - 2
DeleteFileAsync doesn't work on hololens
#270 opened by lucielem - 1
HL2 set sleep settings fails
#308 opened by artsouflMS - 0
Can we get a Nuget release?
#307 opened by EvoPulseGaming - 1
Support .NET Standard/Core usage
#304 opened by mgurlitz - 0
Can i use this wrapper to make an iOS app using Unity to stream the Hololens remotely?
#301 opened by bharath09vadde - 4
HttpStatusCode 307 handling
#281 opened by haeberle - 0
Support Hololens 2 in DevicePortalPlatforms
#300 opened by chris03 - 0
- 0
One or more errors occurred. (IoT)
#296 opened by moyanming - 0
The syntax of the command is incorrect (IoT)
#295 opened by moyanming - 4
Multiple Warnings from 'StyleCopTask' task
#277 opened by ryzngard - 1
- 0
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Change IP-Address (IPv4)
#293 opened by SebZar - 0
[Request] Windows Update
#289 opened by jelletaal - 0
GetAppCrashDumpSettingsAsync API has the wrong capitalization for the packageFullName query parameter.
#287 opened by WilliamsJason - 7
- 0
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Support Unity (.NET 3.5)
#260 opened by maxenceboucas - 0
Add Keyword selection to ToggleEtwProviderAsync
#268 opened by hpsin - 0
- 3
Wrong Format in SetSoftApSettingsAsync
#280 opened by TWensky - 4
ToggleEtwProvidersAsync hanging on HoloLens
#278 opened by ryzngard - 0
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Implement calls to the Xbox Http Monitor
#271 opened by MattHyman - 0
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Graceful failover when parsing of JSON return fails.
#246 opened by hpsin - 4
Uploading file to 'LocalAppData' using UploadFileAsync returns error 'Failed to get package origin from name'
#269 opened by foomaniac - 1
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Uploading this specific JSON file to the Hololens with UploadFileAsync() crashes for unknown reason
#263 opened by gjrgj - 0
XboxSetting DataContract is missing fields.
#264 opened by MattHyman - 5
Using DeleteFileAsync on Hololens crashes with filenames that contain ampersands
#261 opened by gjrgj - 0
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Failure parsing DeviceProcessInfo
#251 opened by david-c-kline - 0
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update project to visual studio 2017
#236 opened by david-c-kline - 0
Add processor architecture to the OsInfo object
#248 opened by david-c-kline - 8
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Generate updated NuGet package
#217 opened by david-c-kline - 1
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create NuGet package for v0.9.4
#230 opened by david-c-kline - 3
install should use StorageFile instead of file name to access files [UWP dll]
#228 opened by david-c-kline - 2
PCs/Laptops/Tablets should be DevicePortalPlatforms.Windows not DevicePortalPlatforms.Unknown
#227 opened by david-c-kline - 1
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Provide a discovery API
#219 opened by dotMorten