
Utility to extend any bash command

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Helper functions to extend any command in bash


If you want a command or a tool in bash has a certain functionality, your options are;

  • Create a feature request to the owner or maintainer of the tool
  • Develop the functionality yourself and submit a pull request
  • Use another tool that has the functionality

Unfortunately, none of these options are always the best option

It'd be best if we could add the functionality to the command on ourselves.


Amplify is a lightweight utility/framework that adds functionality to any command in bash. This allows you to add new functionality, extend existing functionality or create commands that just didn't exist before. Amplify is written in bash and is distributed under the open source MIT License.


Execute the following command to install amplify:

curl -sL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/microsoft/amplify/main/install.sh | bash


There are multiple ways to use amplify

Calling add_extension method

You can call the add_extension method either by hand or programmatically;

add_extension \
  --command-name "az" \
  --sub-command-name "bicep" \
  --argument-name "--help" \
  --run "az_bicep_help"

amplify will add the az bicep --help to the az command if it's not exist, if it's exist, it'll shadow the existing command.

When the command executed, it will call the az_bicep_help function.

You can also add completely new command to the bash shell;

add_extension \
  --command-name "devops" \
  --sub-command-name "github" \
  --argument-name "--help" \
  --run "devops_github_help"

In this scenario, amplify will create the devops github --help command and add it to the bash shell.

When the command executed, it will call the devops_github_help function.

Creating a bash script in the ~/.extensions directory

Amplify will loop through all the sh files in the ~/.extensions directory and create commands for each of them.

# ~/.extensions/az.sh
function _get_extension_info_json() {
echo $(cat <<EOF
  "SUB_COMMAND_NAME": "bicep",
  "ARGUMENT_NAME": "--help",
  "METHOD_NAME": "bicep_help"
  "SUB_COMMAND_NAME": "bicep",
  "ARGUMENT_NAME": "generate",
  "METHOD_NAME": "bicep_generate"
bicep_help() {
  echo "az bicep --help"
bicep_generate() {
  echo "az bicep generate"


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