- 2
Consider using MSTest.Sdk or MSTest metapackage, or at least use MSTest.Analyzers
#1076 opened by Youssef1313 - 1
Switch all `[DataTestMethod]` to `[TestMethod]`
#1074 opened by Youssef1313 - 2
- 1
[BUG] False positive with Wizards (property sheet)
#1046 opened by v-chojas - 2
- 1
- 2
- 1
- 0
- 4
[General Question] Why does axe-windows not include axe-core and its rules?
#989 opened by ChristoWolf - 1
[General Question] False positive for "The Name property must not include the element's control type."
#987 opened by MarcoMusculiato - 3
[General Question] How to disable rules
#984 opened by ChristoWolf - 2
[BUG] WinForms edit controls don't support TextPattern until .NET Framework 4.8.1
#971 opened by DaveTryon - 5
- 9
- 6
[Feature Request] Provide a way for .a11ytest files to be retained even if a scan produces no errors
#935 opened by renishnair-viper - 4
Update WiX from v3 to v4
#946 opened by DaveTryon - 4
[BUG] False positive for "The name property of an element should not contain class names like 'Microsoft.*.*' or 'Windows.*.*'"
#629 opened by jalkire - 2
- 6
- 10
[Bug] AI for Windows flags error for Button content containing a private Unicode character despite having a separate AutomationProperties.Name set
#572 opened by cprivera - 8
[BUG] False positive for An element's IsOffScreen property must be false when its clickable point is on screen in WPF list.
#539 opened by RobGallo - 4
- 2
[BUG] False Positive "An onscreen element must not have a null BoundingRectangle property"
#582 opened by NCarlsonMSFT - 18
[BUG] Improve Message: "A split button must not support both the Invoke and Toggle patterns"
#653 opened by lihas - 6
- 15
Handle BoundingRectangleSizeReasonable rule for elements with area of less than 25 pixels
#780 opened by dilyantraykov - 4
- 4
[Feature Request] Warn users when application is written in a Java framework that doesn't provide UIA information
#554 opened by karanbirsingh - 6
[BUG] ComboBox "An element's BoundingRectangle must not obscure its container element"
#540 opened by cjw1115 - 11
- 0
- 2
[General Question] How to set accessible name of DataGridTemplateColumn controls?
#630 opened by meichunwu - 2
- 2
[BUG] We should not apply name rules for controls that are children of a CheckBox
#648 opened by DaveTryon - 6
[Feature Request] NativeMethods.SetProcessDPIAware() should be reset after scan
#733 opened by chabiss - 6
- 2
- 9
[BUG] Rules descriptions is confusing
#617 opened by ferBonnin - 5
- 27
[Feature Request] Enable automated scans of processes with multiple top-level windows
#665 opened by marcelwgn - 8
[BUG] Scanning UWP apps crashes since UIAutomation does not find any child elements
#730 opened by marcelwgn - 7
[BUG] Deadlock in TreeWalkerForLive.GetTreeHierarchy
#722 opened by Alexey42 - 0
- 5
- 5
- 3
[BUG] Cannot assign AutomationProperties.Name to list item if list item contains a usercontrol object
#631 opened by EltonChen123 - 1
[BUG] WPF list item scrolled off screen is flagged as `IsOffScreen property must be false`
#627 opened by donnie-msft - 2
[BUG] Remove rule: An element of the given ControlType must not support the Table pattern.
#566 opened by RobGallo - 2
[BUG] when Narrator is on and scan mode is disabled, PreviewKeyDown event by pressing "Narrator+Enter" cannot be triggered whereas “Enter” or “Space” can.
#543 opened by Leslie1Yang