
Azure Pipelines Resource Trigger (branch filter) not working as expected.

ayush2708 opened this issue · 2 comments

I have a following YML:

name: "$(Date:yyyyMMdd).$(Rev:r)"

trigger: none

pr: none

- pipeline: build-pipeline
source: "roc-ui Build Pipeline"
branch: develop
- develop
- release/*

According to the documentation: The above YML/pipeline is supposed to get triggered if the 'roc-ui Build' is completed on develop or release/* branch.

Issue: Pipeline is getting triggered for develop branch correctly. But when I complete a build on release/* branch it still gets triggered on develop branch's last commit. It picks up the correct Build Artifact produced from release/* branch build but the pipeline itself gets triggered from develop branch last commit instead of release/* branch commit. Kindly Help please!!!!

[EDIT]: My repository is on Bitbucket Cloud

@ayush2708 does you release branch have the yml pipeline?