Azure Pipelines YAML examples, templates, and community interaction
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- 3 Not working
#613 opened by pritam97 - 2
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Azure YAML Pipelines - Using template expression variables at non-global scope
#593 opened by puya-ms - 1
Cannot submit IPA file to AppStore when AppStore requires iOS 17 SDK or later
#611 opened by cuonggosu97 - 2
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Pass variables from Build pipeline to Release
#609 opened by sjdhanasekaran - 1
Publishing artifacts from a failed step
#608 opened by frerikandriessen - 3
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It is possible to convert a json to variables/parameters YAML and iterate?
#599 opened by giseliramos - 1
Custom expression/function in Yaml
#601 opened by FreesonM3as - 3
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Error running pipeline after renaming default GitHub branch from 'master' to 'main'
#606 opened by jzabroski - 2
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Support for conditions in templates?
#600 opened by woeterman94 - 1
Hi Team While running my Azure pipeline.yaml I am getting following error: directive are not supported for the expression that are embedded within the string Directive are only supported when the entire value is an expression
#595 opened by svikash4 - 9
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could find the branch error in azure yaml
#591 opened by bharuk - 1
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how to triger a build pipeline from powershell
#588 opened by msdansau - 2
deploy built artifacts in container uploads both checked out projects instead of right one
#586 opened by msdansau - 5
by design there´s not available option in DeVops Service to create a new pipeline yaml for "existing" branch
#585 opened by msdansau - 3
How to use `Build.SourceVersionAuthor`?
#583 opened by RussKie - 5
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Devops for Micro Service
#581 opened by cedrox - 1
Yaml becomes invalid when specific `checkout:` syntax occurs more than once
#582 opened by Snijderman - 1
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Support for if-else runtime condition evaluation
#576 opened by tapika - 2
Possibility to use runtime variable in condition
#577 opened by tapika - 2
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How to concatinate value in loop using YAML
#575 opened by SwardCoder - 2
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YAML Extend Stage Template
#568 opened by deckerbr1979 - 1
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Yaml deployment job download path issue
#566 opened by rodchenkov - 2
Incorrect env var DOTNET_TELEMETRY_OPT_OUT usage in (supposed to be DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT)
#564 opened by emanuelb - 1
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Is there a way I can define the azure pipeline template to be imported from a tag? [resources/repository/git]
#554 opened by saurabh-sp-tripathi - 2
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New Pipeline resource variable 'resources.pipeline.<Alias>.requestedForEmail'
#559 opened by kandula-aswin - 2
#558 opened by eddie8balltoliver - 2
matrix with dependson
#553 opened by ozbillwang - 2
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#557 opened by eddie8balltoliver - 2
Is it possible to use compile-time expressions/conditional insertion for demands?
#549 opened by hymccord - 0