Pinned issues
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Updating policies in the DLP Impact Analysis tool
#9309 opened by zPowerPlatform - 0
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] AI Usage sync from environments in CoE table "admin_AICreditsUsage" is showing credits consumed only from last processed environment
#9343 opened by Arodyx - 0
#9342 opened by jachalou - 4
Changed envt url and now flow not gathering correctly
#9322 opened by RickKush - 6
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CLEANUP - Admin | Sync Template v4 (Other Objects) fails for few environments in "Proceed if CDS environment already in coe and not excused from inventory"
#9341 opened by iamaninda93 - 0
[CoE Starter Kit - QUESTION] Tracking Flow Run History
#9340 opened by GarryPope - 0
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] ISSUE TITLE
#9339 opened by RashiMalhotra-c - 0
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] - The Admin | Sync Template v3 flow keep failing and turning off due to orphaned environments.
#9338 opened by RKaur86 - 4
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[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] The supplied reference link -- admin_makers() -- is invalid. Expecting a reference link of the form /entityset(key) error
#9313 opened by zellos13 - 0
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] Admin | Sync Template v3 (Environment Properties) Flow Missing
#9337 opened by GintasKun - 2
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] Missing ";" in email list in "Environment provisioning failed" action in "Env Request | Create Approved Environment"
#9333 opened by AdomasGaldikas - 3
Environment url not getting added in dataverse environment table after cretaing environment using environment maker app
#9331 opened by iamaninda93 - 2
#9329 opened by Vignes29 - 2
[CoE Starter Kit - QUESTION] "Flow Last Run On" column is blank in Admin View
#9298 opened by carusyte - 1
CoE Environment Variable setup
#9307 opened by RakeshSidd - 1
COE Kit - Version Update.
#9318 opened by iujjawal98 - 1
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] Production PA flow suspended in Power Automate due to DLP policy in draft
#9320 opened by ahanjra - 1
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[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] "The 'Create' method does not support entities of type 'organization'" in "Env Request | Create Approved Environment"
#9332 opened by AdomasGaldikas - 2
Is there functionality that shows the latest apps, flows, connectors that were created in the last day?
#9319 opened by PPCan - 1
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] CoE record is not created when using SaveAs option for a flow in solution
#9330 opened by AkhilReddy21 - 1
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[CoE Starter Kit - Audit logs] Microsoft Graph and Office 365 Management simult.
#9326 opened by lucasubieta - 1
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] Admin | Gather Tenant SRs flow failing due to an environment not present anymore
#9327 opened by madijk1969 - 1
Help with env vars
#9323 opened by VatsalPatel2207 - 1
[CoE Starter Kit - QUESTION] Flow / Apps Table - different IDs WorkflowEntityId
#9324 opened by PiZe0 - 7
Bug in BVA Capture app under Value analysis
#9300 opened by PPAccountJyothi - 1
[CoE Starter Kit - QUESTION] COE Setup on Trial Instance or other Instance ?
#9325 opened by rs06051998 - 1
[CoE Starter Kit - Feature]: Post Ignite Learn and Guidance Update
#9296 opened by Grant-Archibald-MS - 1
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[CoE Starter Kit - Feature]: Setup and Upgrade Wizards - Local Unit Tests
#9297 opened by Grant-Archibald-MS - 0
[CoE Starter Kit - Feature]: Setup and Upgrade Wizard - Record Test Case
#9306 opened by Grant-Archibald-MS - 1
Setup Wizard Next button grayed out
#9317 opened by AnjaliBargota - 5
Upgrade help request
#9299 opened by AAKP95 - 1
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] DLP Impact Analysis don't recog 'HttpRequestReceived' conector
#9311 opened by lucasubieta - 1
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] CoE Admin Command Center - Please download and install the latest version banner
#9310 opened by Daren2023 - 2
[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] Installing issue
#9308 opened by LindaPhiri9 - 3
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[CoE Starter Kit - QUESTION] Accidental approval of deletion. How do I revert to requested or rejected?
#9316 opened by shaunacton - 0
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[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] CLEANUP HELPER - Solution Objects failed flow's runs
#9303 opened by JanetK12 - 1
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[CoE Starter Kit - BUG] After Clearing all errors, apps are not being reflected properly in PowerBI
#9305 opened by tlschoenfeld - 6
[CoE Starter Kit - QUESTION] QUESTION: AI components in BV toolkit not running and fails to load and generate a success story
#9295 opened by seifosman49 - 1
Power BI Dashboard not refreshing
#9294 opened by PrasannaKumarPenumarthi