Pinned issues
- 21
Plans for cppgraphqlgen 5.0
#311 opened by wravery - 3
Experiment with resolver visitor pattern instead of always going through `service::ResolverResult`.
#320 opened by wravery - 1
Race conditions handling `FragmentSpreadDirectiveStack` members of `SelectionSetParams`
#324 opened by wravery - 0
Generate separate headers/modules for enums and input types and include that in `...Schema.h` instead of inline declarations.
#321 opened by wravery - 0
Add support for schema stitching.
#323 opened by wravery - 1
- 4
- 1
Incorrect handling of UnicodeBOM in GraphQL grammar
#304 opened by gruzdev - 2
- 5
Build fail on linux
#301 opened by jimwang118 - 1
PEGTL backtracking on field_arguments
#302 opened by gruzdev - 0
Suggestion: Clearer schemagen error messages
#300 opened by ckaminski - 1
Question on CMake schemagen
#299 opened by ckaminski - 1
- 3
Parsing "integer" double causes "GraphQL only supports 32-bit signed integers" error
#295 opened by gitmodimo - 6
- 5
How to resolve objects not owned by shared_ptr?
#267 opened by gitmodimo - 2
Strategies for getting only limited fields when an element may not exist
#268 opened by AndrewLipscomb - 2
Subscription usage
#290 opened by 0xmemorygrinder - 0
- 0
Using find_package(cppgraphqlgen) does not implicitly invoke find_package(pegtl)
#288 opened by wravery - 2
Issues reported by SonarQube in autogenerated files
#272 opened by paussu - 3
cppgraphqlgen thread safety questions
#281 opened by h-barthwal - 0
Fragments should generate their own structs
#280 opened by JamesPeters98 - 5
Enum Client Gen parsing incorrectly
#278 opened by JamesPeters98 - 0
Generated code produces compiler warning when schema has a field called 'value'
#276 opened by JamesPeters98 - 0
Using anonymous namespaces in headers to encapsulate `using namespace std::literals;` doesn't work
#275 opened by wravery - 4
- 1
- 1
Clientgen ENUM not sorted
#265 opened by gitmodimo - 2
- 1
Clientgen usage
#261 opened by panthers-00 - 0
- 4
Link error in release mode
#255 opened by gitmodimo - 1
Does it not support filter?
#258 opened by nqf - 3
Valgrind detected an invalid read
#254 opened by nqf - 0
- 0
- 0
Need more accessors on response::IdType
#244 opened by wravery - 2
Is there a reason clientgen only outputs one operation if there are multiple in a .graphql file?
#218 opened by AndrewLipscomb - 0
- 2
Is json supported as an input request?
#238 opened by TrevorMellon - 2
GraphQL filtering clauses using cppgraphqlgen.
#233 opened by h-barthwal - 2
Input types that contain itself
#225 opened by paussu - 6
Invalid input type declaration order in client gen.
#230 opened by gitmodimo - 23
- 1
Is there any interest in contributions to make the clientgen outputs C++17 compatible
#217 opened by AndrewLipscomb - 4
- 2
- 6
Example of subscription filtering with directives
#220 opened by Coder666