This repo contains .NET Portability Analyzer (VSIX and Console) libraries and tools
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APIPort provides a link to migration documentations for not supported technical areas in .NET Core
#912 opened by Lxiamail - 1
Show the absolute count of missing APIs instead of percentages on APIPort report summary page
#913 opened by Lxiamail - 3
.NET Standard + Platform Extensions, Version 2.0 => HttpTransportBindingElement.KeepAliveEnabled marked as unsupported
#903 opened by thomasmiko - 3
ApiPort roadmap
#911 opened by Lxiamail - 2
System.CommandLine is very out of date
#915 opened by twsouthwick - 2
This package Microsoft.Azure.Management.Automation 2.0.7 is reported as NotSupported NetStandard2 although it has a dependency with NetStandard 1.4 is this correct?
#916 opened by christianarg - 2
ApiPort tool reports unresolved binaries for files that are present in the folder that is being analyzed
#921 opened by hssea - 3
Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting supported in .NET Standard + PE, but not in .NET Core + PE
#922 opened by stogle - 5
DGML generation seems to be broken
#923 opened by vruss - 3
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-VsDevCmdPath does not exist
#953 opened by MeikelLP - 1
BreakingChangeParser needs to be updated
#954 opened by Youssef1313 - 2
An unexpected error was encountered while parsing the metadata for the PE file located at .\References\a-third-party.dll
#956 opened by MayankSri - 1
Some non-.NET Framework assemblies are unexpectedly skipped on apiport 2.8.10
#957 opened by Lxiamail - 1
Accuracy issue - .NET Framework 4.8
#958 opened by PheelaV - 1
Variances between CLI and GUI versions of ApiPort
#968 opened by timrhaynes - 1
Port order seems backwards
#969 opened by MisinformedDNA - 1
Crash when running on solution in VS 2019
#976 opened by Kalhorn - 1
.NET Portability Analyzer VSIX causes Nerdbank.GitVersioning to load wrong version of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Unsafe.dll
#977 opened by KalleOlaviNiemitalo - 1
Add GitHub Codespaces configuration
#982 opened by szlatkow - 6
Visual Studio 2022 Support
#985 opened by scottkuhl - 11
What could be the reason for getting the message "No files were found to analyze." when using apiport console app
#986 opened by amita-git01 - 1
ApiPort cannot analyze .NET Framework 2.0 assemblies
#988 opened by aov-mx - 4
The tool should compile using NET Core precompilation directives (at least as an option)
#991 opened by manuelelucchi - 9
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APIScan fails in VSEngSS-MicroBuild2019-1ES pool
#997 opened by Lxiamail - 7
.NET 6 support
#1001 opened by omajid - 5
Incompatible with VS 2022 RC?
#1002 opened by lavanyadeepak - 1
InternalServerError when making up a target platform
#1004 opened by AArnott - 1
./init.ps1 fails on feed
#1007 opened by DarwinJS - 3
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Unknown error code from the service: 'InternalServerError'. Fiddler shows host Ping server and get no resposne
#1020 opened by StuartSiegel - 4
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Portability analyzer not running
#1024 opened by eddie2302 - 3
Can't install with VS 2022 ENT
#1006 opened by harrypooni - 1
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.NET Portability Analyzer gives error in VS as well as from console application
#925 opened by vpatgithub - 5
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Support analysis against .NET6.0
#990 opened by Lxiamail - 9
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ApiPort 2.8.10-alpha fails
#972 opened by mdevol - 4
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500 Internal server error when trying to run portability analysis and generate DGML
#955 opened by lxman - 8
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Reopen: #899
#941 opened by zitcomdev - 0
ExcelOpenXmlOutputWriter doesn't handle gracefully when NonUserAssemblies is null
#936 opened by Lxiamail - 0
Analyzing projects in VS fails due to file not found
#938 opened by Lxiamail - 0
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Identify the dependency tree of the provided entrypoint and identify the post order traversal of it
#907 opened by twsouthwick