This repo contains .NET Portability Analyzer (VSIX and Console) libraries and tools
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"Recommended changes" should point users to Microsoft.Windows.Compatibility package where appropriate
#625 opened by IanKemp - 4
false warning for System.Threading.Tasks.Dataflow.DataflowBlockOptions.set_EnsureOrdered(System.Boolean)
#722 opened by springy76 - 5
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Potential feature: APIPort helper when nuget resolves an assembly from a different TFM
#640 opened by ericstj - 2
Potential Feature: Generating report on the basis of application namespaces
#690 opened by shailesh757 - 1
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Azure SDK for .NET libraries are reported as not compatible with .NET Framework
#770 opened by Lxiamail - 2
Recommended changes in the report are not useful
#773 opened by Lxiamail - 1
WPF APIs are reported not supported on .NET Core+Platform Extension, but supported on .NET Core
#771 opened by Lxiamail - 11
Publish the client as a .NET Core global tool
#668 opened by jeremymeng - 4
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Update service reference to support DGML
#762 opened by mjrousos - 2
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Catalog.bin hasn't been updated since 5/3/2019
#775 opened by Lxiamail - 1
PlatformPortability doc needs to be updated
#768 opened by Lxiamail - 2
System.Collections.Immutable.dll APIs are reported as not supported on .NET Framework
#769 opened by Lxiamail - 7
Excel file has 'Header for assembly name entries' header instead of 'Assembly'
#728 opened by AlexGhiondea - 2
Analyzing compatibility Failed. There was an unexpected error. Please try again or contact for help.
#758 opened by the4u - 1
The HyperLinks to About and Privacy doc on Portability Analyzer Setting are not navigatable
#764 opened by Lxiamail - 1
Is there more detail in .NET Portability Report
#766 opened by hueidou - 2
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Insufficient report
#763 opened by ulln - 1
Dubious results in portability analyzer report
#761 opened by rv93 - 1
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Crash executing against solution in VS 2017 15.9.4
#733 opened by sakennedy - 0
ApiPort.Offline fails to generate HTML report
#749 opened by conniey - 7
JsonConvert getting reported as not supported on 4.7.2, .net Standard 2.0 and .net Core 2.1
#726 opened by mpickers - 2
Unable to resolve service for type 'System.Diagnostics.DiagnosticSource' while attempting to activate 'Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor.RazorPageActivator'.
#744 opened by JoshMcCullough - 0
Render HTML reports with ASP.NET Core MVC
#649 opened by chlowell - 4
System.InvalidOperationException: The operation failed as details for project {projectName} could not be loaded.
#678 opened by MIchaelMainer - 3
There was an unknown error code from the service: 'InternalServerError'. Please make sure you have the most up-to-date version.
#696 opened by reevestrife - 0
Method not found on VS2019
#738 opened by twsouthwick - 1
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Update VSIX to use AsyncPackage
#667 opened by conniey - 2
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Analyzing compatibility failed
#701 opened by Symbai - 4
Check .NET Core 3.0 by default
#715 opened by danmoseley - 6
Mono 5.x on VS Extension does not show.
#700 opened by AraHaan - 7
If a Microsoft assembly is part of the input assemblies and has no references api port throws an error really hard to diagnose
#694 opened by safern - 2
Convert to AsyncPackage with background load
#709 opened by madskristensen - 12
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NetStandard 2.0 - Net Framework 4.7 - Incompatibility of DisplayAttribute not reported
#689 opened by Verarind - 5
System.InvalidOperationException: Sequence contains more than one matching element
#674 opened by NikitaEgorov - 0
Changelog is not updated for public release.
#671 opened by leftler - 1
Please update default .NET Core version to 2.1
#646 opened by danmoseley - 0
Cannot build offline version downloaded as a .zip
#633 opened by idlem1nd - 3