
Toolkit designed to streamline and accelerate the adoption of AI technologies.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

About this Toolkit

The "AI Orchestration Jumpstart Kit" is a toolkit designed to streamline and accelerate the adoption of AI technologies. It provides pre-built components, best practices, and documentation links for easier integration of AI solutions into various environments.

The package provides a sample Semantic Kernel SDK-based prototype implementation with configurable parameters and settings.

  • Allows for quick start use of Semantic Kernel(SK) without the need to develop code
  • Enables team members to work on the solution independently
  • Includes:
    • Endpoints for basic SK requests
    • Endpoints for creating more SK semantic functions prompts and configuration files
    • Implementation of an in-memory Vector Database
    • Reference source code

Project Wiki

Please visit our project Wiki for more information Wiki

C# WebAPI SK Connector

The C# WebAPI Connector Class is an interface for interacting with various Semantic Kernel AI functions.

Below are details about each endpoint, its purpose, and the possible responses.

Function Execute

Description: Executes a specified function.

URL: /Function/Execute
Method: POST
pluginName (string): The name of the plugin containing the function.
functionName (string): The name of the function to execute.
input (string): The input data for the function.
Success: 200 OK, with the function execution result.
Error: 400 Bad Request if an error occurs during execution.

Function Execute With Memory

Description: Executes a function with memory search.

URL: /Function/ExecuteWithMemory
Method: POST
pluginName (string): The name of the plugin containing the function.
functionName (string): The name of the function to execute.
Relevance (double): The relevance threshold for memory search.
input (string): The input data for the function.
Success: 200 OK, with the function execution result.
Error: 400 Bad Request if an error occurs during execution.
Not Found: 404 Not Found if the input is not found within the relevance threshold.

List Plugins

Description: Lists all available plugins and their functions.

URL: /SK/ListPlugins
Method: GET
Success: 200 OK, with a JSON document containing plugin information.
Error: 400 Bad Request if an error occurs during execution.


Description: Retrieves the prompt and configuration for a specified function.

URL: /SK/Get
Method: GET
pluginName (string): The name of the plugin containing the function.
functionName (string): The name of the function.
Success: 200 OK, with a JSON document containing the prompt and configuration.
Not Found: 404 Not Found if the prompt file is not found.
Error: 400 Bad Request if an error occurs during execution.


Description: Inserts a new prompt and configuration for a specified function.

URL: /SK/Post
Method: POST
pluginName (string): The name of the plugin containing the function.
functionName (string): The name of the function.
SKPrompt (string): The prompt for the function.
SkConfigjson (string, optional): The configuration JSON for the function.
Success: 200 OK if the prompt and configuration are successfully inserted.
Error: 400 Bad Request if an error occurs during execution.


Description: Deletes the prompt and configuration for a specified function.

URL: /SK/Delete
Method: DELETE
pluginName (string): The name of the plugin containing the function.
functionName (string): The name of the function.
Success: 200 OK if the prompt and configuration are successfully deleted.
Not Found: 404 Not Found if the prompt file is not found.
Error: 400 Bad Request if an error occurs during execution.

Memory List

Description: Lists items in the memory.

URL: /Memory/List
Method: GET
Success: 200 OK, with a JSON document containing memory items.
Error: 400 Bad Request if an error occurs during execution.

Memory Search

Description: Searches for an item in the memory.

URL: /Memory/Search
Method: POST
Input (string): The input data for memory search.
Success: 200 OK, with the search result and relevance information.
Error: 400 Bad Request if an error occurs during execution.

Configuring OAuth 2.0 with Azure Identity


Before you begin, ensure you have the following prerequisites in place:

  • Microsoft Azure account.
  • Access to the API you want to connect to.
  • A registered application in Azure AD (Azure Active Directory)
  • Understanding of Azure AD B2C and OAuth 2.0.

Registering the Application

To configure OAuth 2.0 with Azure Identity, you need to register your application in Azure AD. Here are the steps:

  • Go to Azure Portal and sign in using your Azure account.
  • In the Azure Portal, search for "Azure Active Directory" and select it.
  • In the Azure AD blade, click on "App registrations" on the left-hand menu.
  • Click the "New registration" button.
  • Enter a name for your application.
  • Choose the supported account types (e.g., single-tenant or multi-tenant).
  • Enter the Redirect URI, which is the callback URL for OAuth 2.0 (e.g., https://yourapp.com/callback).
  • Click the "Register" button to create the application.
  • After registration, make note of the Application (client) ID and Directory (tenant) ID. You'll need these values later.

Configuring OAuth 2.0 Settings

Now that you have registered your application, configure the OAuth 2.0 settings for it.

  • In your application's Azure AD settings, go to "Authentication."
  • Under "Platform configurations," add the Redirect URI you specified earlier.
  • Save the changes.

Generate Client Secret

  • In your application's Azure AD settings, go to "Certificates & secrets."
  • Under "Client secrets," click on "+ New client secret."
  • Enter a description, select an expiration, and click "Add."
  • Note the generated client secret. This will be used for authentication.

Implementing OAuth 2.0 with Azure Identity in Your Application

To connect to the API using OAuth 2.0 and Azure Identity, your application must implement the OAuth 2.0 authorization flow with Azure Identity. Refer to the official Microsoft documentation for your specific programming language or platform for detailed implementation steps.

For .NET applications using Azure Identity: Microsoft documentation


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