Microsoft Fluent UI Blazor components library. For use with ASP.NET Core Blazor applications
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fix: Initial render of FluentCounterBadge does not respect VerticalPosition/HorizontalPosition
#3491 opened by davhdavh - 5
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fix: ignoring HorizontalPosition and VerticalPosition in FluentCounterBadge
#3489 opened by EugeneAzhogin - 2
feat: Add OpenChanged event to FluentProfileMenu
#3486 opened by wxwyz - 3
FluentAutocomplete and Blazor Webassembly
#3484 opened by jeanf - 1
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Unhandled exception rendering component: DialogService
#3467 opened by tallmanBS - 10
fix: Form validation happens before FluentSelect's bind-SelectedOption sets a new value
#3443 opened by AntonZhernosek - 4
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DatePicker Popout
#3464 opened by grumpykiwi - 2
fix: Value not updated in ListComponentBase controls
#3416 opened by joriverm - 8
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fix: [what is the issue?] in [where is the issue?]
#3458 opened by mjacob2 - 3
FluentListBox is calling SelectedOptionChanged twice , when the handler is async Task method in FluentUI version:V4.11.5
#3455 opened by gstoro - 1
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[dev-v5] Component: FluentSpinner
#3389 opened by dvoituron - 2
FluentDataGrid inside a Dialog
#3454 opened by StefanJansson - 13
fix: FluentAnchor does not prevent default.
#3450 opened by wxwyz - 2
fix: SelectAll selects all items even if unselectable due to Selectable in DataGrid's SelectColumn
#3447 opened by runeterp - 4
feat: add possibility to change the Button appearance of Sorting in the DataGrid header
#3418 opened by vpetit-reimagine - 0
[dev-v5] Component: FluentSwitch @agriffard
#3431 opened by dvoituron - 2
Issues with Blazor wwwroot folder moved to a subfolder (Web/wwwroot) and RCL _content not loading Fluent UI Components
#3452 opened by SaleCar - 1
fix: Validation problem in FluentSortableList
#3451 opened by anpfiff - 3
feat: add localization for FluentInputFile ErrorMessage
#3446 opened by anpfiff - 1
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[dev-v5] Properties names on Dark Mode
#3435 opened by agriffard - 0
[dev-v5] Component: FluentRatingDisplay @aclerbois
#3394 opened by dvoituron - 0
[dev-v5] Component: FluentCounterBadge @vnbaaij
#3411 opened by vnbaaij - 2
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[dev-v5] Component: FluentBadge @vnbaaij
#3388 opened by vnbaaij - 3
fix: AutoComplete does not display a red border when a validation error has occurred.
#3407 opened by StevenRasmussen - 7
fix: [auto Change GridTemplateColumns property after upgrade to v4.11.4 in FluentDatagrid
#3393 opened by abednejad - 1
How to implement multiple App. razors for net9 blazor, and apply different App. razors according to the folder
#3415 opened by jackysuy - 3
fix: ToastService.ShowCommunicationToast Throws exceptions after deployment
#3408 opened by brysageek - 0
[dev-v5] Component: FluentRatingDisplay @aclerbois
#3395 opened by AClerbois - 6
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Detecting Changes in PaginationState.ItemsPerPage in FluentDataGrid with AutoItemsPerPage
#3405 opened by SaleCar - 1
fix: FluentNumberField does not display rounded corners when a validation error occurs
#3406 opened by StevenRasmussen - 1
fix: styling in breadcrumb
#3399 opened by lnaie - 1
The problem still exists.
#3396 opened by abednejad - 4
Tabs on close resets the active tab
#3392 opened by Rocky-25