Introduction to Machine Learning and Azure Machine Learning Services. Hands on labs to show Azure Machine Learning features, developing experiments, feature engineering, R and Python Scripting, Production stage, publishing models as web service, RRS and BES usage
- abhinavunnamZepto
- angelmrayoaSantander Digital Services
- aristotelis79
- botchagalupeBotchagalupe Technologies
- cerkinercerkiner
- chkobBangkok, Thailand
- CyberMew
- DanielCarbajalFoster City, CA
- franmer
- HaishiBaiMicrosoft Corporation
- jhcloos
- jongalloway@microsoft
- kaokurMicrosoft
- kromermMicrosoft
- lararubbelkeMicrosoft
- LaTtEX@PageUpPeopleOrg
- lostangels-163-com
- MahadevanAlagarChennai
- mbhogeEPAM Systems
- mchcn865
- metaver5oPixel Vault
- N1t1nAChandigarh
- narapatBangkok
- neilhutMicrosoft
- Niladri24dutta
- pedropablomaspain
- ploverman
- quangvuk
- residentx10
- richdizzMicrosoft
- strategist922Microsoft
- styck
- thepeekay
- vdreamakitex
- wilsonmar# Off-grid in an AV. If only.