Image Sequencer is an example application demonstrating the use of Imaging SDK’s Image Aligner and Gif Renderer APIs for creating cinemagraph-style animations in animated GIF format. The application has a set of hard coded image sequences to be used for basis of the alignment and animation. User can manipulate the animation by limiting the animated area to a small rectangular section, and by stabilizing the images in order to eliminate camera shake. Animations with still backgrounds and minor repeated movement are commonly called cinemagraphs.
- Adam-CarstensenRevert Studios
- ajain0395Microsoft
- alexswan
- cadahlCenito Software AB
- camiloheOttawa,ON,CA
- CodeBlueDevCodeBlueDev
- cwz8202上海家乐福共江店
- DamirAinullinOS33
- FI-Mihej
- firascarbonizerBerlin, Germany
- guodf
- hongrunhuichina
- jeslyvargheseStorytel
- JimBobSquarePants@SixLabors
- KaiDevrim@devrimtech
- krewella1
- magnusolofstamAxis Communications AB
- mcanthonyDΞFCONCΞPTS
- MihalczGaborEgyéni vállalkozó
- modulexcite
- roschinskyBerlin, Germany
- SandalotsVolcanak
- seblapz@lionel-numerique
- sirgatezByteDance
- steamypassion
- turdfire
- wzhliangwise2c
- xiangarciap
- xwang90
- yunfandevChengdu