Pinned issues
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Dependency Dashboard
#601 opened by renovate - 4
just-task config.ts should support ESM configs
#572 opened by dzearing - 2
just-scripts pulls in a dependency that is being marked as "Malicious component found" by component governance
#585 opened by vreddi - 1
[docs] Guide button leads to 404
#487 opened by techeverri - 0
- 2
Logging page is missing output
#533 opened by kaiyoma - 1
Reporting a vulnerability
#711 opened by igibek - 0
- 2
- 1
[Question] The state of Just vs @rushstack/heft
#455 opened by ScottAwesome - 5
security vulnerabilities in marked package
#592 opened by imjuni - 0
- 0
Can we use tsx instead of ts-node?
#686 opened by kaiyoma - 0
- 0
Action Required: Fix Renovate Configuration
#619 opened by renovate - 1
- 1
Parallel Webpack builds fail to report errors
#550 opened by tommywilkinson - 0
- 2
- 0
semver is missing from the webpackDevServer task
#548 opened by jcreamer898 - 0
i18n support?
#524 opened by lanyusan - 2
bug: task help generation via option() doesn't work
#503 opened by Hotell - 2
- 0
- 0
Add Task for watch/dev mode - Checks for file changes in directories and runs scripts
#531 opened by yasarsid - 4
css loader invalid options in stylesOverlay.js
#343 opened by strrranger - 1
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yargs-parser package security vulnerability
#469 opened by kokuda - 0
Ship /src folder in npm packages
#476 opened by christiango - 0
WebpackTask throws exception trying to access .toString of stats when there is an error
#477 opened by christiango - 1
Bump yargs deps
#482 opened by christiango - 1
just-scripts pulls in dependencies which create component governance warnings
#480 opened by NickGerleman - 0
nodeExecTask doesn't assume __dirname location
#474 opened by JasonGore - 0
- 0
Could not use variable in task name
#400 opened by saravanan10393 - 0
Caching of tasks are broken
#392 opened by Thisen - 0
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Include package names in task logs
#377 opened by sunilsurana - 0
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Typings issue with apiExtractorTask
#372 opened by acoates-ms - 0
Is READ.ME out of date?
#360 opened by Coooooooola - 0
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Hi, is `just` a better gulp?
#359 opened by Coooooooola - 0
styleOverlay creates 4 rules with 3 or 4 loaders each
#357 opened by jurijsk - 2
How to add a webpack plugin
#354 opened by LokiMidgard - 0
- 3
Task name is mising in logs
#332 opened by chyzwar - 1
enableTypeScript function always skipProject set true
#345 opened by imjuni