
Command-line client for the Microsoft Genomics service

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


msgen is a command-line client for the Microsoft Genomics service.
You can find more detailed documentation for it here: https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/genomics/
Latest release notes: Release notes v0.9.1


msgen is compatible with Python 2.7. We recommend using version 2.7.12 or later. msgen can be installed from PyPI.


sudo apt-get install -y build-essential libssl-dev libffi-dev libpython-dev python-dev python-pip
sudo pip install --upgrade --no-deps msgen
sudo pip install msgen


pip install --upgrade --no-deps msgen
pip install msgen

If you do not want to install msgen as a system-wide binary and modify system-wide python packages, use the --user flag with pip. In that case you will need to add ~/.local/bin to your path in Linux and %APPDATA%\Python in Windows.

Basic requirements

You can install these packages using pip, easy_install or through standard setup.py procedures. These dependencies will be automatically installed if using a package-based installation or setup.py. The required versions of these dependent packages can be found in setup.py.

Basic usage

After installing msgen, a simple command to check connectivity is:

REM Windows console
msgen list ^
  --api-url-base <Genomics API URL> ^
  --access-key   <Genomics account access key>
# Unix console
msgen list \
  --api-url-base <Genomics API URL> \
  --access-key   <Genomics account access key>

Values for both these arguments can be found in Azure Portal, on the Access keys blade of your Genomics account.

You can get a full list of available commands and arguments by running msgen help, but generally you will need to provide at least a command, --api-url-base, and --access-key, where the command is one of the following:

list Returns a list of jobs you have submitted. For arguments, see msgen help list.
submit Submits a workflow request to the service. For arguments, see msgen help submit.
status Returns the status of the workflow specified by --workflow-id. See also msgen help status.
cancel Sends a request to cancel processing of the workflow specified by --workflow-id. See also msgen help cancel.

Release notes v0.9.1

No breaking changes since v0.9.0.

Updated the project link

Changed the project link on PyPI to the new url for the source code on GitHub (this repository).

Release notes v0.9.0

No breaking changes since v0.8.x.

Added an optional argument for output compression

This is equivalent to running -bgzip followed by -tabix on the vcf or gvcf output, to produce ".gz" (bgzip output) and ".tbi" (tabix output) files. bgzip compresses the vcf or gvcf file, and tabix creates an index for the compressed file. The argument is a boolean, which is set to false by default for ".vcf" output, and to true by default for ".g.vcf" output. To use on the command line, specify -bz or --bgzip-output as true (run bgzip and tabix) or false. To use this argument in the config file, add bgzip_output: true or bgzip_output: false to the file.

Release notes v0.8.0

No breaking changes since v0.7.4.

Added an optional argument for emitting reference confidence scores

This is equivalent to -emitRefConfidence in GATK 3.x and -emit-ref-confidence in GATK 4.x. To use on the command line, specify -erc or --emit-ref-confidence. The argument accepts a value of "none" which produces ".vcf" output, or "gvcf" which produces ".g.vcf" output. By default, the value is not set, which produces ".vcf" output. To use this argument in the config file to produce "g.vcf" output, add emit_ref_confidence: gvcf to the file.

Release notes v0.7.4

  1. Submitting multiple FASTQ or multiple BAM files.
  2. Filtering options for the list command.
  3. Range limiting options for the list command.
  4. Export to CSV of the list command output.
  5. Bug fixes!

This version of msgen also introduces user interface changes compared to version 0.6.*. If you would like to keep using an older version, you can downgrade back to 0.6.15 by running the following command:

pip install msgen==0.6.15

Breaking changes since 0.6.15

Specifying commands

Previously, the operation you wanted to invoke was a parameter to the -command option. Now, the desired command directly follows the program name, msgen. Below is a table comparing invocations of msgen 0.6.* and 0.7.* for cases when a configuration file is not used.

msgen 0.6.* (without config) msgen 0.7.* (without config)
msgen -command submit … msgen submit …
msgen -command list … msgen list …
msgen -command getstatus … msgen status …
msgen -command cancel … msgen cancel …

Commands cannot be specified in the configuration file anymore and will be ignored if mentioned there. Below is a table comparing invocations between msgen 0.6.* and 0.7.* for cases when a configuration file is used.

Command in the config file msgen 0.6.* (with command in config) msgen 0.7.* (with config)
command: submit msgen -f config.txt … msgen submit -f config.txt …
command: list msgen -f config.txt … msgen list -f config.txt …
command: getstatus msgen -f config.txt … msgen status -f config.txt …
command: cancel msgen -f config.txt … msgen cancel -f config.txt …

Specifying other arguments

Using the command line

If you provide at least some required information via the command line arguments when interacting with the Microsoft Genomics service, you will need to update your command invocation. All arguments are now provided either in the short format like -k or in the long format like --access-key. Note that arguments in the long format start with a double dash and that underscores between words are replaced with dashes. Below is a table listing some of the submit arguments to illustrate this difference between msgen 0.6.* and 0.7.*.

msgen 0.6.* msgen 0.7.*
-api_url_base -u/--api-url-base
-subscription_key -k/--access-key
-input_storage_account_name -ia/--input-storage-account-name
-input_storage_account_key -ik/--input-storage-account-key
-input_storage_account_container -ic/--input-storage-account-container
-input_blob_name_1 -b1/--input-blob-name-1
-input_blob_name_2 -b2/--input-blob-name-1
-output_storage_account_name -oa/--output-storage-account-name
-output_storage_account_key -ok/--output-storage-account-key
-output_storage_account_container -oc/--output-storage-account-container
-process_args -pa/--process-args
Using the configuration file

There are no changes here, apart from the fact that the command is going to be ignored and will need to be provided on the command line. Your old configuration file can be re-used for all commands you want to use it with.


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