
how to set job-status-change-notification, can not receive job notification

HaoLiuHust opened this issue · 4 comments

Organization Name:

Short summary about the issue/question: how to set job-status-change-notification

Brief what process you are following:
I am setting email notification for better experience, for now I can receive cluster warning about disk usage, but I can not receive job status change eventhough I have enable it.

How to reproduce it:

OpenPAI Environment:

  • OpenPAI version: v1.8.0
  • Cloud provider or hardware configuration:
  • OS (e.g. from /etc/os-release):
  • Kernel (e.g. uname -a):
  • Hardware (e.g. core number, memory size, storage size, GPU type etc.):
  • Others:

Anything else we need to know:

set flags in job config, I can receive running notification, is there a way without this set

    running: true
    succeeded: true
    stopped: true
    failed: true
    retried: false

@HaoLiuHust Yes, this setting in job config is necessary:

OK, thanks for your reply, if it is by design, it make sense...Just from manual, maybe someone will have the same misunderstand