Python version of the Playwright testing and automation library.
- 3
[Feature]: Request for Window Maximization and Minimization Features in Playwright
#2694 opened by mostafakavand - 0
[Ports]: Backport client side changes for 1.50
#2653 opened by playwrightmachine - 0
[Feature]: Dependency Updates
#2693 opened by Houbein - 3
[Feature]: handle WSGI/ASGI applications
#2692 opened by azmeuk - 2
- 2
[Feature]: relax greenlet dependency version requirements in pyproject.toml
#2666 opened by mistercrunch - 2
[Bug]: playwright._impl._errors.Error: document.documentElement.getHTML is not a function
#2682 opened by wencan - 5
Why is the python package so large?
#2688 opened by mistercrunch - 1
- 4
- 14
[Bug]: Pyinstaller ends up in `Page.goto: Target page, context or browser has been closed`
#2683 opened by yaniswang - 2
[Bug]: Warning: Validation of the RECORD file of playwright-1.49.0-py3-none-manylinux1_x86_64.whl failed
#2679 opened by f4rk4sh - 0
[Feature]: `datetime` values parsed by the `evaluate` method should be converted to the current context's timezone
#2681 opened by DetachHead - 0
[Feature]: Port expect.poll() to Python
#2680 opened by dejongch - 0 doesn`t work
#2674 opened by soldiergp - 0
[Docs]: deprecated methods are not marked as deprecated in the generated python api code
#2607 opened by DetachHead - 0
[Ports]: Backport client side changes for 1.49
#2606 opened by playwrightmachine - 1
[Bug]: `select_option(index=0)` incorrectly interpreted as `select_option(index=None)`
#2659 opened by jinohkang-theori - 1
[Feature]:Request to Filter ImplToApiMapping.wrapper_func Entries in Playwright Trace Reports
#2650 opened by DepravityDemo - 3
[Bug]: sync_api switches to async context after init
#2649 opened by developer992 - 1
- 1
- 1
[Bug]: Route.fetch: getaddrinfo ENOTFOUND ***.onion
#2644 opened by pyNpy - 0
- 0
[Bug]: Possible deadlock on browser process termination
#2633 opened by oxy-star - 1
[Bug]: Playwright sync APIs introduces async context
#2628 opened by a6kme - 2
[Bug]: Potential data loss in PipeTransport.send due to missing drain() call
#2612 opened by mohasarc - 4
[Bug]: How to remove listener
#2624 opened by jolly-xw - 0
How to remove a listener?
#2623 opened by jolly-xw - 2
[Bug]: to_be_visible assertion says "Locator expected to be visible" if visible=False
#2616 opened by MilovanovM - 0
Handling alerts from multiple tabs within a single BrowserContext simultaneously causes errors.
#2611 opened by cobaltautomationdev - 0
[Ports]: Backport client side changes for 1.49
#2580 opened by playwrightmachine - 0
[Feature]: support passing `timedelta` objects to functions that take a `timeout` argument
#2600 opened by DetachHead - 5
- 3
- 1
- 4
Make exceptions not protected
#2590 opened by newearthmartin - 1
[Bug]: Can't install playwright 1.47.0 with Python 3.13 due to dependency problem
#2594 opened by joeg3 - 4
- 0
[Bug]: Task cancellation raises asyncio.InvalidState due to a cancelled future being set
#2581 opened by blubber - 4
[Bug]: Abort not working correctly
#2574 opened by mostafamdy - 2
- 1
[Bug]: Python3.13 Playwright Installation Error
#2591 opened by Assadzy - 0
[internal] Update to recent Pyright
#2582 opened by mxschmitt - 3
[Bug]: Please use the `--enable-chrome-browser-cloud-management` command line flag to enable it if you are not using the official Google Chrome build.
#2571 opened by wm475390847 - 2
[Feature]: Upload sdists to pypi
#2579 opened by alex - 1
- 1
[Feature]: Support for arm32
#2577 opened by 0jc1 - 1
How do you install this
#2573 opened by developer992 - 3