- 1
- 4
Support for German Labels and Patterns
#1475 opened by ESchmid-ConvMaker - 0
- 1
Expose allow_list in REST AnalyzeRequest
#1470 opened by nickzelei - 1
Support for newer Python versions (3.12.x and 3.13.x)
#1473 opened by erikspears - 7
Transformer model may be ignoring general entity types
#1463 opened by michhar - 4
- 3
Slow Execution Time When Scanning Large Files
#1461 opened by vinay-cldscle - 2
"Azure AI Language is not available" even though PIP packages are installed
#1460 opened by whalygood - 3
Context with hash marks do not work as expected
#1452 opened by claesmk - 2
SystemExit error when calling AnalyzerEngine()
#1447 opened by KelumPerera - 5
Context words are used outside the suffix/prefix window
#1444 opened by omri374 - 2
- 0
Presidio Analyser tests have high memory usage
#1427 opened by hhobson - 2
Presidio Image Redactor for Korean Documents
#1441 opened by khawar-islam - 1
add support for multiprocessing to spacy pipelines
#1440 opened by skunkwerk - 1
howto customizing the NLP model like
#1438 opened by tdr130 - 5
Not hiding sensitive data properly
#1433 opened by khawar-islam - 2
About the citation of this reposity
#1432 opened by mengtong0110 - 1
Adding a French Date Recognizer
#1431 opened by cpetresc - 0
- 3
- 1
Unable to broadcast engines in spark
#1406 opened by bennydean - 0
Radiology imaging de-id competition
#1418 opened by kirbyju - 5
OverflowError in crypto_recognizer
#1376 opened by udayan14 - 5
Build/Install issues on x86_64 Linux
#1400 opened by dushankw - 1
Ports mixed up in documentation for Docker
#1363 opened by thgla - 6
Recent changes broke types
#1396 opened by tonyhammainen - 1
- 2
- 5
Detecting :: as IPv6 Address
#1395 opened by troy256 - 2
crypto_recognizer error: OverflowError
#1402 opened by stasDomb - 2
cannot import name 'AnonymizerConfig'
#1399 opened by benstoneham - 1
all capital letters names are not detected
#1354 opened by NuiMrme - 1
- 0
feat: Add new recognizer for IN_VOTER id
#1344 opened by kjdeveloper8 - 0
Add new recognizer for IN_PASSPORT number
#1350 opened by Hiten-98 - 2
Avoid: "WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead."
#1366 opened by ayelencasamassa - 5
- 6
Custom Pattern Recognizer Not Working Properly with German Language in Analyzer Engine
#1343 opened by SimonRbk95 - 8
- 4
in pdf document unnecessary redact or masking is coming
#1355 opened by del-d-w - 0
- 2
Configure AnalyzerEngine from file
#1338 opened by omri374 - 2
- 1
96c word is being incorrectly identified as PERSON
#1352 opened by bhanu-pappala - 1
- 2
Transformers backend, device and dtype
#1329 opened by maximegmd - 2
PhoneRecognizer returns incorrect recognizer name in the analysis_explanation
#1330 opened by egillv021 - 0