Can't discover Windows 10 IoT Core devices on Project Rome App for Android device
shijiong opened this issue · 2 comments
Dear friends,
Today I tested with the latest Rome App on Andorid (, and find that my raspberry pi 3 still can't be shown in the device list.
After some tests, i find that the system type of the IoT device is "Hub" (Not IoT). So, i add this type to the Android Studio Project. However, it still can't work.
Android Hardware: LG Nexus 5 with Android 4.4.2
Windows 10 IoT Core Hardware: Raspberry Pi 3 with Windows 10 IoT Core Build 17101
Version of in build.gradle file: 0.8.1
And i confirm that Windows 10 IoT Core device can be discovered by Desktop and Other Windows 10 IoT Core device(For example, Minnow Board Max).
So,any suggestions? Thanks a lot.
The IoTCore device needs to be signed in to be discoverable. This can be done programmatically, or through UI via Cortana.
Hello, I'm having the same problem, I'm signed through the Cortana app on the IoT device, and in my case, I'm using sessions, not just device discovery.
Also, if the session is started on my Desktop, the IoT device can find it, but if I start it on the IoT device, the Desktop cannot find the session.