- 1
- 2
NearShare sample crashed after send completed
#85 opened by xingrz - 6
Can't find NearShareReceiver
#83 opened by wenchaotao - 0
- 4
Launch browser on Android
#61 opened by peted70 - 6
How to make Project Rome on Xamarin (Android) forget about previous auth code?
#49 opened by MahdiGhiasi - 3
- 1
MCDConnectedDevicesAccountAddedStatusErrorServiceFailed code after Sign in
#90 opened by revolutionkpi - 0
- 0
- 1
Could not login using iOS example project
#74 opened by revolutionkpi - 1
Bitcode support on iOS
#78 opened by NicolasLourenco - 1
Where can I get dSYM for iOS binary?
#79 opened by yajiex - 1
How can we launch installed game on Xbox?
#67 opened by revolutionkpi - 2
- 2
Build error, because 'Secrets' and ProdClientId' value is not defined in source.
#72 opened by wonsik-song - 4
Getting RemoteSystemUnavailable for PCs running Windows 10 version 1809 when available via proximity.
#59 opened by MahdiGhiasi - 3
- 1
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- 1
Can we discover and launch app store on XBOX from iOS/Android app without microsoft/azure login?
#56 opened by maxqper - 3
- 10
Project Rome Xamarin.Android Unbrauchbar
#43 opened by AndiFs - 2
Support for Azure AD B2C and XF
#55 opened by stevehurcombe - 4
CDRemoteSystemConnectionRequest to device that is connected via cloud return CDRemoteLauncherUriStatusRemoteSystemUnavailable
#30 opened by revolutionkpi - 5
- 2
Gettig SessionLimitsExceeded
#44 opened by miker1423 - 5
- 3
- 2
.NET Standard 2.0
#38 opened by hannespreishuber - 3
Class not Found Exception
#40 opened by hannespreishuber - 4
RemoteSystemWatcher error
#42 opened by AndiFs - 1
- 2
Can't discover Windows 10 IoT Core devices on Project Rome App for Android device
#48 opened by shijiong - 6
- 2
Bad request on MS Graph
#51 opened by cansado2930 - 1
- 3
Login Company Account
#39 opened by hannespreishuber - 2
Xamarin NuGet 0.6.2 problem
#32 opened by MahdiGhiasi - 0
Not possible to turn on Xbox
#31 opened by revolutionkpi - 3
Local account
#27 opened by MahdiGhiasi - 4
Native Windows Applications (WinForms/WPF)
#26 opened by cinatic - 4
- 4
Unique ID of current device
#22 opened by MahdiGhiasi - 3
UnsatisfiedLinkError on xamarin sample
#19 opened by a-iafrate - 1
- 3
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