Launch browser on Android
Opened this issue · 4 comments
I have a UWP app which I am currently running on a Windows 10 PC using 1803. I can discover a RemoteSystem for my Pixel 2 running Android 9 but when I try to launch a uri on the phone using http
var rscr = new RemoteSystemConnectionRequest(remote);
var uri = new Uri("");
var status = await RemoteLauncher.LaunchUriAsync(rscr, uri);
I get RemoteSystemUnavailable.
Also, if I query capabilities all of them return false.
I am able to use 'continue later' from the phone to the PC.
What's the best way to diagnose this?
Do you have a particular application that you are launching to on the phone?
Do you have a particular application that you are launching to on the phone?
Hi. Are you working at Microsoft at now or no? What is the status of this project, after 3 years of fixing this open issue?... ;)
I am still working at MSFT but have forgotten the details of this issue now since a few years has passed.
I am still working at MSFT but have forgotten the details of this issue now since a few years has passed.
Thank you for reply. Perhaps, Project Rome not too easy thing for reanimation.... There are many technical problems... The program managers are silent :( Sorry that I disturbed you.