
REACT (CVPR 2023, Highlight 2.5%)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


REACT: Learning Customized Visual Models with Retrieval-Augmented Knowledge (CVPR 2023, Highlight 2.5%)

Haotian Liu, Kilho Son, Jianwei Yang, Ce Liu, Jianfeng Gao, Yong Jae Lee*, Chunyuan Li*

[Project Page] [Paper]

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  • Introducing a customization stage to the lifecycle of foundation models!
  • REACT customizes foundation models to downstream tasks without the need of any labeled data.

🔥 News

  • [2023.03.29] Code base and checkpoints are released.
  • [2023.03.25] Our research paper is selected as highlight (2.5% acceptance rate)!
  • [2023.03.24] Our new checkpoint based on OpenCLIP-G/14 achieves 81.0% zero-shot on ImageNet, the new SOTA among public checkpoints!
  • [2023.02.28] Paper is accepted to CVPR 2023.
  • [2023.01.17] REACT paper is released.


REACT provides a pipeline that supports building index on a large dataset, and efficiently queries and retrieves relevant data for downstream tasks with information as simple as class names. See react_retrieval for details.

You may skip this step if you want to focus on building customized models on standard benchmarks like ImageNet-1K and ELEVATER, by directly using our retrieved indices.

REACT proposes the efficient and effective locked-text gated-image tuning for tuning customized model on the retrieved dataset, with a performance improvement of up to 5.4% improvements on ImageNet. See react_customization for details.

Teaser figure

Pretrained Models


Baseline REACT
CLIP (B32, WIT-400M) 63.2 66.9 (hf) 68.6 (hf) --
OpenCLIP (B32, L-400M) 62.9 65.7 (hf) 66.4 (hf) --
OpenCLIP (B32, L-2B) 66.6 67.5 (hf) 69.5 (hf) --
CLIP (B16, WIT-400M) 68.6 71.6 (hf) 73.4 (hf) --
CLIP (L14, WIT-400M) 75.3 -- 78.1 (hf) 79.8 (hf)
OpenCLIP (L14, L-2B) 75.3 -- 76.4 (hf) 78.6 (hf)
OpenCLIP (G14, L-2B) 80.1 -- -- 81.0 (hf)


  author      = {Liu, Haotian and Son, Kilho and Yang, Jianwei and Liu, Ce and Gao, Jianfeng and Lee, Yong Jae and Li, Chunyuan},
  title       = {Learning Customized Visual Models with Retrieval-Augmented Knowledge},
  publisher   = {CVPR},
  year        = {2023},


We are grateful for the contributions of several open-source projects, including CLIP, OpenCLIP, LAION.AI, FAISS, Autofaiss, img2dataset, and ELEVATER.


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