- 1
Inconsistent behavior in CodePush bundle vs default bundle when using mobx-state-tree state manager
#2787 opened by leonardorib - 15
Android issue with new architecture
#2781 opened by fedpre - 5
appcenter codepush, but cli not found
#2776 opened by vincentsartoko - 4
New Architecture (Bridgeless) support?
#2742 opened by FightFarewellFearless - 2
iOS CodePushServerURL plist doesn't like //
#2782 opened by kmcrawford - 2
- 4
io.invertase.firebase.crashlytics.JavaScriptError - Object is not a function
#2777 opened by Nader-CS - 5
- 2
Bundle changes are not reflected
#2778 opened by nguyenductoan1995 - 9
- 7
java.lang.RuntimeException: An error occurred while executing doInBackground()
#2760 opened by miridih-chyoon - 2
- 2
- 1
[DISCUSSION] Plans after AppCenter retirement
#2775 opened by aamagda - 1
Will this library be continued even after appcenters retirement i.e after 31/03/2025?
#2773 opened by Yandamuri - 1
- 2
- 3
Specs satisfying the CodePush dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
#2768 opened by trickyc0d3r - 5
Update is invalid - A JS bundle file named "null" could not be found within the downloaded contents. Please check that you are releasing your CodePush updates using the exact same JS bundle file name that was shipped with your app's binary
#2765 opened by mrenann - 1
Signing of update
#2766 opened by danielpetersson - 4
Android build fails: Incorrect package found in source AndroidManifest.xml (Gradle 8)
#2759 opened by aminedf - 9
- 2
[CodePush] Update is invalid - A JS bundle file named "null" could not be found within the downloaded contents. Please check that you are releasing your CodePush updates using the exact same JS bundle file name that was shipped with your app's binary
#2755 opened by qimengfeidiao - 5
- 5
- 4
check update log "Network Request Failed"
#2749 opened by songzuyun - 6
Looks like the Security vulnerability due to using com.nimbusds:nimbus-jose-jwt still exists
#2714 opened by sizhe-eb - 30
Code push suddenly repeats "UNKNOWN_ERROR."
#2756 opened by burakgenc10 - 4
Codepush server blocked.
#2751 opened by nolife08021 - 3
Update ZipArchive to 2.5.5 to fix two security issues
#2748 opened by BergQuester - 7
Android build.gradle namespace on AGP 8
#2743 opened by Axiivy-Jaeseok - 12
- 0
- 5
CodePush.checkForUpdate().then.catch **** error = {}
#2738 opened by Emperorywh - 2
Unresolved reference: microsoft
#2737 opened by mv-developer - 11
Mandatory updates to codepush are crashing app
#2729 opened by mljlynch - 4
- 0
Rollback only ios
#2741 opened by cetinahmetemre - 2
RN 0.73. Could not determine the dependencies of null. Could not find org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-gradle-plugin:1.8.
#2733 opened by gomesbreno - 3
- 3
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Zip path traversal vulnerability
#2723 opened by captainalbert - 7
App is not updated second time.
#2725 opened by Invictus-Munish - 3
Recovering after being rate limited
#2727 opened by johnpwrs - 4
build error , show winrt::Microsoft::CodePush::ReactNative::implementation::CodePushConfig can't make instance with virtul class
#2717 opened by codinglesstech - 3
The installation package has been updated, but some of the updated content has not taken effect
#2724 opened by Rammst3 - 2
React native App is not updating with code push when published on app store
#2703 opened by adilkhanWalee - 4
- 2
A JS bundle file named "null" could not be found within the downloaded contents.
#2704 opened by quany - 0
Getting Error When i run onesignal sdk after react update OneSignalPlugin: WARNING: OneSignalPlugin: Downgraded '' -> 28.+ to prevent compile errors! Recommend updating your project's compileSdkVersion!
#2711 opened by vinitpanchariya