
SwiftDialog Broken?

TH2307 opened this issue · 6 comments


the Swift Dialog Onboarding stopped working about a week ago.

I detected, that the URL
in the 1-installSwiftDialog.zsh isn't working anymore.

Could that be the issue? Maybe depending with the new Swift Dialog 2.5.0 Version released last month?

Best regards


Thanks for the quick reply.

Unfortunately we were unable to get the PKG version to work.
Script, files and icons have been modified. Package payload content has been adjusted accordingly.

Manual terminal execution gets error ERROR: Cannot find swiftDialog binary at /Library/Application Support/Dialog/

Any ideas? Even if we build the package without modifying the content source from the zip, we get the same error.

Best regards

Or could you provide an example PKG File for Validation?
Then we could rule out the error on our side.

Packages app has full disk access.
Building the Package not editing the content didnt work either. Same error message.