
Q: How to coordinate internal targets with SC processes

mwpowellhtx opened this issue · 1 comments

I have some internal targets which I need to copy build artifacts into a sandbox area. However, I am finding that the <filename/>.<Configuration/>.<ext/> transform files are being drawn into that operation. Which causes me to wonder, do I need to also target after
and/or depends upon SC targets. If so, which ones are most appropriate.

<Target Name="BavContainSandboxAfterBuild" Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Debug'" DependsOnTargets="ScApplyTransforms;BavMakeSandboxDirectories" AfterTargets="Build" />

Specifically, during Debug configuration, I want to arrange some sandbox assets. However, when my targets run, I am finding the results include not only, BumpAssemblyVersions.targets, but also the transform files, BumpAssemblyVersions.Debug.targets and BumpAssemblyVersions.Release.targets.

Whereas the final bin/ build results do not include those transform files. Which tells me there are some SC targets which may still be evaluating by the moment during which my targets are being run.

Tangent to that, we probably want to depend on the SC targets as well, because the transformation results may not have completed when we copy the files.

Assuming there is/are such target(s), what are they, and could we await their completion in our AfterTargets?

As it turns out, may be a non-sequitur, I may be able to streamline and not necessarily incur a need for a transform after all. However, still somewhat curious to know the targets, timings involved, for future reference. Best thanks...