Tooling for XML and JSON file transforms on build from Visual Studio and MSBuild
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Do I need to create a build configuration for every single environment in order for SlowCheetah to work?
#301 opened by stamminator - 4
Advanced Settings broken in VS2022
#245 opened by doowruc - 1
Can't install VSIX for VS 2022 Enterprise edition
#300 opened by tperriVV - 7
The item "App.config" in item list "ScFilesToTransform" does not define a value for metadata "Link"
#218 opened by Bidthedog - 1
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Per-user transformations
#286 opened by General-Fault - 3
App.config Transform not working with VS2022
#289 opened by dixit-atharva - 1
JSON file add transform creates UTF-8-BOM encoding files while source file is UTF-8. This UTF-8-BOM is not supported by most decoders.
#255 opened by Marangal - 1
SlowCheetah 'File not found' issue when publishing to the file system using msbuild
#284 opened by trousyt - 1
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VS2022 Error while loading solution
#279 opened by Kydyralin - 0
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The transformation is correctly applied and the resulting config file in the output looks as expected. But the configuration loaded in memory is as if taken from the original config file. project is .net framework 4.7.2 self-hosted winform app using appsettings.config file
#268 opened by saaiii22 - 0
ClickOnce not coping data files after Transform
#267 opened by LazyLeecher - 1
SlowCheetah does not transform when project is net48 Microsoft.NET.Sdk.Worker
#254 opened by ristogod - 0
Problem with readonly app.config files
#265 opened by philipcj - 2
Transformation happening after config is loaded
#253 opened by drvic10k - 2
Transformation Damages Values with ">" in Them
#263 opened by vppetrov - 1
SlowCheetah no longer working in VS2019
#262 opened by AndyWDev - 1
Add Transform issue in VB.Net Console App
#217 opened by DeltonLee - 4
Xml and config transformation does not work on UWP
#257 opened by soroshsabz - 0
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Cloud Service Worker Role
#216 opened by Smurgl - 2
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VS22 - V.4.0.8 is looking for a wrong path
#252 opened by Fabman08 - 1
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Linked files run transform from original file location instead of linked location
#250 opened by jklawrence - 0
SlowCheetah and Solution Items
#247 opened by barrywimlett - 2
VS 2022 support?
#229 opened by MikeJansen - 0
SlowCheetah and Secrets file?
#246 opened by Slugsie - 1
Fail to publish with NET6 SDK
#232 opened by Dunge - 5
Version 3.2.26 is not copying transforms to output folder (but preview transform works)
#221 opened by soerendalbydk - 0
Different behavior in Preview and Publish
#231 opened by jotabe-net - 0
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Transform don't work before 1th edited enviroment.
#227 opened by git-xbits - 0
Use as package dependency
#226 opened by iskiselev - 2
Cannot Publish .NET Core 3.1 ClickOnce package.
#225 opened by aesalazar - 1
How do I disable SlowCheetah transforms for CI/CD builds but keep them for local builds?
#220 opened by lhersman - 1
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