
SQL Server on OpenShift Workshop

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Workshop: SQL Server 2019 on OpenShift

A Microsoft Course from the SQL Server team

About this Workshop

Welcome to this Microsoft solutions workshop on SQL Server 2019 on OpenShift.

Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform is based on Kubernetes and provides an API to manage these services. The OpenShift Container Platform allows you to create and manage containers. From a perspective of SQL Server, OpenShift provides:

  • A scalable architecture to deploy containerized applications and data platforms such as SQL Server
  • Persistent storage for stateful containers like SQL Server
  • Built-in load balancers to abstract application connections to SQL Server
  • Built-in high availability for stateful containers like SQL Server

In this course you will learn the basics of deployment, connection, query execution, performance, and high availability in SQL Server 2019 with OpenShift.

You will interact with an OpenShift cluster using the OpenShift CLI program oc and use the concepts of projects, deployments, pods, labels, PersistentVolumeClaims, and LoadBalancer services as you deploy and use SQL Server on OpenShift.

This README.MD file explains how the workshop is structured, what you will learn, and the technologies you will use in this solution.

The workshop is currently built to support SQL Server on OpenShift 4 and uses the latest SQL Server 2019 Red Hat containers.

NOTE: You're able to complete this workshop without having a prior knowledge of OpenShift, but if you would like to learn more about its features, architecture and management, these materials are available:

Learning Objectives

When you complete this course, you will be able to:

  • Understand the basics of deploying SQL Server on an OpenShift cluster.
  • Connect and run queries against SQL Server deployed on OpenShift.
  • Understand performance capabilities of SQL Server deployed on OpenShift
  • Implement High Availability capabilities of SQL Server deployed on OpenShift

Business Applications of this Workshop

  • Developers looking to deploy a database container for their applications on OpenShift
  • Database Administrators looking to understand how to deploy database platforms like SQL Server in a Kubernetes cluster using OpenShift.

Technologies used in this Workshop

Technology Description
SQL ServerDatabase Platform produced by Microsoft
SQL Server 2019Most current release of SQL Server currently in preview
Intelligent Query ProcessingAutomated query processing enhancements in SQL Server 2019
Always On Availability GroupSQL Server High Availability Disaster Recovery capabilities based on replicas
LinuxOperating system used in Containers and Container Orchestration
DockerEngine for running and manage containers
KubernetesOrchestration and Management platform for Containers
OpenShiftFamily of containerization software developed by Red Hat
OpenShift PlatformKubernetes-based platform for containers
ocOpenShift CLI program. (Similar to the kubectl command)
projectEquivalent to Kubernetes namespace
Azure Data StudioGraphical User Interface to execute T-SQL queries and manage SQL Server
SQL Server Command Line ToolsUtilities to connect and query SQL Server such as sqlcmd

Before Taking this Workshop

To complete this workshop you will need the following:

  • A client computer connected to the Internet that has a Linux shell and can run SQL Server command line tools.
  • Access to a OpenShift 4 cluster. All the examples in this workshop were built using Azure Red Hat Openshift (ARO). Learn more about ARO at https://docs.microsoft.com/azure/openshift/intro-openshift.
  • Access to all the scripts provided from this workshop from the GitHub repo.

The Prerequisites module in this workshop provides all the details of tools and software required to take this workshop.

You might be taking this workshop from an instructor who will provide access to an OpenShift cluster and possibly a client workstation with all the tools and files installed.


A complete Prerequisites document exists as part of this workshop. You will be guided to go through Prerequisites in the Next Steps at the bottom of this page.

Microsoft and any contributors grant you a license to the Microsoft documentation and other content in this repository under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Public License, see the LICENSE file, and grant you a license to any code in the repository under the MIT License, see the LICENSE-CODE file. All license files are found in the LICENSES directory.

Workshop Details

This workshop uses OpenShift, SQL Server 2019, Azure Data Studio, SQL Command Line Tools, and the OpenShift CLI (oc).

Primary Audience:Administrators looking to learn how to deploy, use, and manage SQL Server on OpenShift
Secondary Audience: Developers, Architects, and IT Pros
Level: 300
Type:Self-Paced or In-Person
Length: 2 hours (self-paced) 4 hours (In-Person)

Related Workshops

Workshop Modules

This is a modular workshop, and in each section, you'll learn concepts, technologies, and processes to help you complete the solution.

Proceed to Next Steps below to start the workhop.

01 - Deploy SQL Server on OpenShift Learn the fundamentals of deploying SQL Server container on OpenShift
02 - Connect and Query SQL Server Learn the basics of connecting and running queries to a SQL Server container on OpenShift
03 - Performance Capabilities of SQL Server Learn how to boost query performance and take advantage of intelligent query processing
04 - High Availability of SQL Server on OpenShift Learn the fundamentals of high availability for SQL Server on OpenShift

Next Steps

Next, Continue to PreRequisites