A set of example applications demonstrating the use of the Notifications API. A Windows Phone application acts as the notification service and a Qt Quick application acts as the client.
- auritraCapilano University
- berlamontMichigan
- camiloheOttawa,ON,CA
- cwz8202上海家乐福共江店
- DamirAinullinOS33
- GrannyTierSpaghettiCoderinBIM
- hanigamalMaktabak Dot Net
- herry1234
- jcrashkitPowered ON
- KaiDevrim@devrimtech
- linyuteTaiwan
- llenrocMoon
- LusocoderAciNet
- MihalczGaborEgyéni vállalkozó
- Nangal
- NeedoLahore, Pakistan
- redaniumOran, Algeria
- SandalotsVolcanak
- sirgatezByteDance
- siyvashtola99
- xiangarciap
- yanjinhuagood@msmvps