- 0
License file not packaged on PyPI
#60 opened by awvwgk - 0
Analytics Vidhya
#59 opened by richa11101982 - 0
There are a quite a few papers with the same acronym (rGAT, RGAT), and the documentation links RGAT to the (GAT paper). Which implementation of RGAT is it?
#58 opened by NipunaChhabra - 0
- 7
Error: Can't pickle generator
#44 opened by yogeshhk - 1
How to run for a generic dataset?
#56 opened by NipunaChhabra - 3
Test data unavailable
#35 opened by canbooo - 0
export to onnx format?
#54 opened by hylandk-movidius - 4
- 5
- 1
Performance issu in the definition of calculate_type_to_num_incoming_edges, tf2_gnn/layers/message_passing/
#51 opened by DLPerf - 0
- 0
A question about DoubleBufferedIterator
#49 opened by llan-ml - 4
TensorFlow version error
#36 opened by jqzhao7 - 0
Encode-decoder on Geometric Graph Data?
#45 opened by yogeshhk - 4
PYTHON=3.7, TENSORFLOW=2.1.0, AttributeError: Can't pickle local object 'DoubleBufferedIterator.__init__.<locals>.<lambda>'
#31 opened by freedomtowin - 2
Error when attempting to run test installation script: tf2_gnn_train RGCN PPI --max-epochs 10 data/ppi/
#39 opened by jfb54 - 0
TF2-GNN and MLFlow
#26 opened by flogrammer - 4
Working with Edge Features
#27 opened by flogrammer - 0