TypeScript server plugin that adds intellisense to styled component css strings
- 1
`property value expected` with &:pseudo-selector
#108 opened by cubeghost - 5
identifier expected ts-styled-plugin(9999)
#110 opened by roy-eth-dev - 1
False positive identifier expected pseudo selector on interpolated class names
#105 opened by brandonkal - 2
CSS validation doesn’t work inside @media rules
#113 opened by sunknudsen - 3
Autocomplete without colon and semicolon
#114 opened by dilincoln - 1
Unknown property: 'speak'
#112 opened by devalnor - 2
- 1
svg css properties don't work
#123 opened by lifeiscontent - 1
Support CSS Module `composes` property
#124 opened by jsg2021 - 3
not work in sublime text 3
#109 opened by iahu - 6
CSS suggestions get dropped off when converting up into TypeScript completion items
#132 opened by jasonwilliams - 3
Unknown property: dominant-baseline in svg texts
#115 opened by pguijarr - 1
CSS linting breaks if in css props as template literal
#126 opened by omonk - 1
- 6
Getting `} expectedts-styled-plugin(9999)` with `vscode-styled-components`
#146 opened by jackpeplinski - 3
vector-effect not recognized
#144 opened by Akkuma - 1
) expected , { expected (9999) when using @supports not ( not backdrop-filter : blur(10px)) { }
#158 opened by singhAmandeep007 - 2
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Unknown property: accent-color
#148 opened by mtmeyer - 1
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#147 opened by JohnathanHuggett - 1
`emmet.showExpandedAbbreviation: never` doesn't disable Emmet abbreviation autocomplete
#154 opened by karlhorky - 10
- 1
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Error with multiline selectors with Subsitutions
#164 opened by Tiedye - 2
Support suppression/ignore comments
#169 opened by leoselig - 1
- 1
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Autocomplete Custom Properties
#152 opened by marti6jm - 1
How to avoid ts-styled-plugin(9999) when i am not even using styled components and don't have the plugin installed anywhere?
#165 opened by gotjoshua - 1
- 4
- 2
Unknown property: 'y'ts-styled-plugin(9999)
#174 opened by waterhumanB - 2
Doesn't recognize @layer at-rule
#166 opened by jpnelson - 2
Version 1.70 intellisense does not work
#159 opened by tohsaka888 - 1
Selecting Intellisense suggestion results in doubled content being typed
#153 opened by jasonwilliams - 2
Send correct replacement range information (use OptionalReplacementSpan)
#155 opened by jasonwilliams - 2
@media has no (emmet) completions
#141 opened by jasonwilliams - 3
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[Regression] - Virtual Document Provider hasn't compiled correctly causing failure in extension
#143 opened by jasonwilliams - 1
Support for monaco editor
#140 opened by rob-myers - 1
.vue file in vscode
#135 opened by u-rogel - 3
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Dynamically change wrapper based on tag used
#137 opened by jasonwilliams - 1
Update vscode-css-language service to 4.3.0
#119 opened by jasonwilliams - 1
TSC compiles with ignoring lint errors
#127 opened by just0110 - 4
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Syntax highlighting not applied for nested css``-template literals if using a styled() function to generate component instead of styled.div``
#118 opened by AasmundEndresen - 1
Typescript Types or Emotionjs adding Label to Styled break color highlighting
#111 opened by Sensiblemnd - 5
Support css<Props>`` like element<Props>``
#106 opened by iansan5653