- 4
- 3
- 3
No build description or instructions
#5 opened by droidium - 1
Likelihood of out of order block writes?
#78 opened by stuffmatic - 5
Make available via pip
#42 opened by galak - 1
uf2tool portability issues
#1 opened by TomKeddie - 3
converting .bin file to .UF2
#57 opened by pblase - 0
Need input file
#72 opened by Cyberbulat - 3
could not open uf2 file
#69 opened by one-twoo - 2
- 3
feature request: allow file downloads
#62 opened by sslupsky - 0
- 1
u-blox nina b4 running MicroCode
#65 opened by tcpipchip - 1
Support for 64bit devices??
#56 opened by sg- - 1 : Segment address of hex format must be added to address of each records
#54 opened by elfmimi - 1
- 4
Can a UF2 file only have one family ID?
#51 opened by charkster - 2
Add displaying of block header when converting uf2 to bin (family_id, flags, target_address, payload, etc..)
#48 opened by charkster - 4
- 1
JavaScript implementation for UF2
#40 opened by urish - 1
Readme - Extensions tags example
#41 opened by JustAnother1 - 1
Please define HF2 interface identification rules
#25 opened by flit - 2
speak will also be stuck
#30 opened by tongjinlv - 3
cannot make uf2
#28 opened by phillowcompiler - 1
Support for nRF52832
#26 opened by tBStar - 0
CFG_MAGIC0/1 defined twice in configkeys.h
#24 opened by hathach - 1
uf2hid.h is missing
#12 opened by jeffsf - 6
Integrity check for firmware
#17 opened by jrahlf - 1
Granularity of device ids
#16 opened by jrahlf - 1
HEX file accepted as input
#3 opened by jamesadevine - 1
../../uf2-samd21/inc does not exist
#13 opened by jeffsf - 0
.gitmodules is a local
#11 opened by jeffsf - 1
hf2 talk 3 problematic on windows
#4 opened by pelikhan