
No way to configure or choose generator (Ninja/Unix Make) or configure options/variables

devshgraphicsprogramming opened this issue · 4 comments

Brief Issue Summary

Possibly related to #392


I should have some way or method to persistently set cmake variables and choose ninja vs unix makefiles when first configuring a project.

Apparent Behavior:

I get absolutely no control over CMake vars except for editing the CMakeCache.txt by hand (or cmake-gui) but these changes seem not to persist or be picked up quickly.


When trying to run command CMake: Edit the CMake Cache, I get
[rollbar] Unhandled exception: Unhandled Promise rejection: editCache Error: command 'vscode.previewHtml' not found {}

Platform and Versions

Operating System: Ubuntu 18.04
CMake Version: 3.15.3
VSCode Version: 1.33.0
CMake Tools Extension Version: 1.1.3
Compiler/Toolchain: GCC 7.3.0

Open File -> Preferences -> Settings to open the Settings UI.


In the search panel, type "cmake" to filter out all of the other stuff. You can find settings to control which generator you would like to use, any variables you would like to pass to CMake, etc.

@devshgraphicsprogramming You could vote for this feature request #529

Open File -> Preferences -> Setting -> Search for ninja , you get CMake default generator , by default its ninja , you can choose your option

Open File -> Preferences -> Setting -> Search for ninja , you get CMake default generator , by default its ninja , you can choose your option

It worth mentioning that Ninja option is case-sensitive