- 5
Startup performance
#854 opened by jameshearttech - 2
[Bug] - Project Explorer won't load the project
#848 opened by mamilic - 5
- 2
Java project loading infinitely
#839 opened by Dams4K - 6
- 1
Can't add new jar package into library
#838 opened by JinghuaOriental - 0
Support create package from file explorer
#836 opened by jdneo - 0
No package root found for null
#835 opened by jdneo - 2
[Navigation] - When navigating to Library Inner Class/Interface it won't sync Java projects View
#833 opened by mamilic - 2
Error: Cannot resolve tree item for element
#832 opened by andersmmg - 0
vscode-java-dependency / Java project manager is unable to detect Spring Boot project generated via vscode-spring-initializr or quarkus
#830 opened by ndlarsen - 3
creates file watcher with trailing slash causes problems for other extensions
#828 opened by martinlippert - 5
- 3
Allow to copy files with project view
#792 opened by raulvaldoleiros - 6
Is it possible to load Java extensions on launch, rather than only when a Java file is clicked?
#817 opened by firasm - 3
error by output by .jar
#819 opened by EfreetAria - 0
vscode-java-dependency doesn't install or setup correctly when listed in devcontainer.json
#818 opened by djshaw - 0
High memory consumption in multi module projects
#811 opened by pablocarle - 11
Java project tree/view not updated with new files/packages when created from create class option of extension (Only for network location mounts [NFS/SMB] )
#787 opened by jlmanohar - 12
Show type hierarchy don't work even refresh or clear
#807 opened by xzbdmw - 3
Auto reveal in java project view sometimes don't work
#806 opened by xzbdmw - 0
- 1
- 0
Revisit all the welcome views.
#805 opened by jdneo - 1
Modules from other directory are not displayed
#804 opened by nzaytsev - 19
Java explorer don't show .java files
#793 opened by Raidez - 16
- 10
java.getPackageData is broken for some Maven modules
#788 opened by fvclaus - 1
0.23.1 release does not contain a vsix file
#784 opened by PeterJohnson - 1
Maven module is not loading properly as a Java project when the module directory name is different from it's artifactID
#783 opened by viswatejan - 0
Idea: Ability to configure which Java resources are displayed in the Java projects tab
#781 opened by jastorgalj - 15
- 2
- 1
Ability to change the project name
#777 opened by Azmisov - 1
Unable to move resource files in Java Projects view
#775 opened by jjoslet - 1
- 1
- 0
Cannot open file explorer from welcome view
#770 opened by jdneo - 3
Icon theme for Java project
#768 opened by Lucas3oo - 7
Support scaffold Spring Boot components
#767 opened by jdneo - 2
Display nested/hierarchical Java project.
#764 opened by charleech - 0
.class files not shown in the output folders.
#762 opened by jdneo - 0
Investigate new DocumentDropEditProvider API
#761 opened by jdneo - 3
Cannot expand the resources under non-java root in multi-root workspace
#758 opened by testforstephen - 3
'java.configuration.runtimes' seems to be shared accross different projects in different devcontainers when they run concurrently (and I think they should be independent).
#759 opened by tchinchow - 11
VSCode presents dependency error, however, mvn install works in the terminal
#746 opened by felipemmasan - 0
- 0
- 0
Refactor the `resolvePath` function
#750 opened by jdneo - 0
Support open in terminal option in context menu.
#743 opened by jdneo