A VS Code debug adapter that supports debugging Node via the Chrome Debugging Protocol.
- 0
Support virtual workspaces
#264 opened by lszomoru - 1
Support Workspace Trust
#263 opened by lszomoru - 5
When will the initialized event be sent?
#261 opened by pengsongkun741 - 1
Publish as dedicate node module
#239 opened by mickaelistria - 4
Releases do not contain vsix extention
#232 opened by ibuziuk - 4
- 5
vscode can not reload
#208 opened by humorHan - 1
package vscode-node-debug2
#258 opened by aeschli - 2
- 1
- 8
Node debug skips certain source files
#252 opened by AnthonyWeston - 2
#253 opened by yaghobieh - 5
Debugger never hits test code when using rush repo
#251 opened by beejones - 0
- 1
- 2
Selecting the target to debug, from response json
#216 opened by anoop-rs - 2
Slower for "attach" than "launch"?
#195 opened by roblourens - 0
Fix failing skipFiles test
#215 opened by roblourens - 4
Support BreakpointLocations request
#242 opened by isidorn - 4
[Question] handling of files <node_internals>
#241 opened by yyoncho - 2
Breakpoints do not work in remote wsl session
#240 opened by jason076 - 4
Debugger (Node --inspect) metadata access outside of VSCode (ie from Chrome DevTools)
#236 opened by june07 - 1
[loc][Query][vscode_extensions ] Localizability of 0; "out/src/nodeDebugAdapter.node.console.title"
#230 opened by PDostalek - 2
[loc][Query][vscode_extensions ] Localizability of 0; ""
#229 opened by PDostalek - 5
- 3
Debug type not recognized
#225 opened by s7dhansh - 1
- 1
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- 6
how to output info in main process (Electron)
#209 opened by redsparrowWang - 2
- 10
Pass configuration arguments to NodeDebugAdapter
#203 opened by orehmane - 5
- 25
- 10
- 0
- 3
Debugger ignores breakpoints for mjs modules
#192 opened by zaverden - 2
- 18
- 1
Ability to use node engine greater than 6.3.0
#190 opened by tolusha - 2
- 0
- 10
Visual studio code doesn't debug node on windows
#182 opened by user135711 - 1
DAP: Adopt new "capabilities" event
#171 opened by weinand - 4
yet another wild breakpoint jumping (backwards)
#176 opened by Spown - 1
- 2
"chrome didn't shut down properly! Restore?"
#172 opened by Spown - 5
Allow to run Node from node_modules/.bin
#168 opened by wojpawlik - 2
- 2
Ability to turn off --debug-brk
#170 opened by jamesmosier