Access the Microsoft Learn Catalog of Learning Paths and Modules directly from your Learning Management Systems using the Microsoft Learn LTI application
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Problems going through this process
#237 opened by brockettc - 1
Problem on re-deployment
#238 opened by paprodziad - 2
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- 4
Error while creating Resources in Azure (step 6)
#215 opened by sqo365 - 1
Outdated CLI Commands
#226 opened by jlan90 - 4
Learn-LTI launch page not found
#223 opened by trevorh13 - 1
Issue installing client - npm fixup
#224 opened by trevorh13 - 2
Deployment Failed
#216 opened by jajjaf - 3
help with
#210 opened by jorodas - 1
Does anyone have monthly cost estimates to run the MS Learn LTI solution?
#211 opened by arnoldvilleneuve - 2
Microsoft Mandatory move to .net 6
#190 opened by PatrickScottLail - 3
Error with basic installation
#202 opened by arnoldvilleneuve - 2
Content selector is empty
#207 opened by PedroLozano33 - 3
LTI Learn Integration on Moodle Issue
#194 opened by ilyesdoingthings - 3
LTI 1.3 on Open edX Lilac
#195 opened by rainbowrytsar - 2
Invalid value found at accessPolicies[0].ObjectId -- possible issue with deprecated Azure AD Graph properties
#186 opened by warrenbuhler - 4
401 Unauthorized in CreateOrUpdateAssignment, cannot update or publish assignment
#188 opened by aazswapnil - 2
Enhancement - Deploy script should check and report on prerequisites (ie Azure Command Line)
#196 opened by warrenbuhler - 1
Bad Request -- Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults
#201 opened by PedroLozano33 - 2
login.microsoftonline refused to connect
#206 opened by LukeDuffy98 - 1
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Multi-tenancy support
#177 opened by ahmedhosameldein - 30
Using Azure B2C for multiple Domain based users
#149 opened by LukeDuffy98 - 4
Deploy.ps1 stops on step 6
#197 opened by renaldo-b - 1
Deploy script should prompt to run cleanup if there is an existing resource
#192 opened by warrenbuhler - 10
Still getting oops something went wrong after having a certificate installed and LMS using https
#176 opened by asgtpti - 5
Failed to deploy final part - fixed, read other comments and used an older version of CLI 2.27.0 (don't forget the zero)
#193 opened by SirPSC - 6
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Deploying Microsoft Learn LTI error step 6
#189 opened by phergo23 - 9
Ms learn LTI deployment stuck on step 12
#183 opened by elyes997 - 11
Microsoft Learn LTI in D2L Brightspace returning Error - currently unable to handle this request
#155 opened by NShresthaonGH - 3
Stuck on step #6
#185 opened by zozo1977 - 2
Throttling issue running the script
#181 opened by ayameeno - 3
Stuck on Step 10
#184 opened by Combatchuck - 2
LTI integration on LMS
#178 opened by hajjejala - 1
How to change the default language and URL of LTI
#170 opened by a00110110 - 0
context_memberships_url requirement
#172 opened by pfurgal - 1
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Unable to install Lit system normally
#167 opened by a00110110 - 6
There was a problem installing LTI
#166 opened by a00110110 - 1
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Error after deploy.ps1 step #10
#161 opened by renaldo-b - 0
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This page isn’t working right now HTTP ERROR 500
#148 opened by LukeDuffy98 - 3
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