The Microsoft Graph Client Beta Library for .NET supports the Microsoft Graph /beta endpoint. (preview)
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Nearly every single method obsolete
#918 opened by VictorioBerra - 2
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Security.AttackSimulation.Simulations.PostAsync has wrong return type, should return AttackSimulationOperation not Simulation
#890 opened by cammurray - 0
Branch naming alignment.
#869 opened by SilasKenneth - 0
Unable to create a TrustFrameworkKeySet and TrustFrameworkKey at the same time
#885 opened by greiggs - 4
Unable to patch TrustFrameworkPolicy
#883 opened by greiggs - 4
Question Financials API
#881 opened by ips219 - 11 doesn't support $skipToken
#859 opened by milapointe - 0
Individual request to the Managed device sometimes returns wrong user information.
#871 opened by eparfinenko - 1
Migrate ESRPCodeSigning to v5
#875 opened by baywet - 1
BulkUpload is missing PostAsync method
#731 opened by andrewbunk - 0
add release please configuration
#839 opened by baywet - 3
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Missing property includeTargets on fido2AuthenticationMethodConfiguration resource type from Beta version 5.54.0 and onwards
#776 opened by edwinvandriel - 3
Graph SDK V5: MobileAppContentFile.Serialize does not serialize read-only properties
#823 opened by DCourtel - 3
Person Award Beta endpoint
#831 opened by akshataggrwal - 3
Missing method DeleteAsync from user photo Beta version 5.58.0 and onwards
#809 opened by edwinvandriel - 6
[v5.60] Serialization issue
#822 opened by AndrewShchetkin - 1
Unable to create TrustFrameworkPolicy
#734 opened by arievansomeren - 5
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EmployeeExperience.Communities.PostAsync no longer successfully creates Viva Communities
#808 opened by afowler1 - 2
IdentityGovernance.EntitlementManagement.AccessPackageCatalogs.GetAsync() marked as obsolete
#735 opened by tjrobinson - 8
Invitation resource type won't send invite (convert) internally user to external
#798 opened by markes20754 - 2
[Client bug]: The SDK has no implementation for authentication sign-in preferences
#752 opened by ErikdeWilde - 1
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SharePoint Online Site Page: Cannot expand canvasLayout on baseSitePage (HTTP status 400)
#781 opened by heinrich-ulbricht - 1
Graph SDK Beta V5: Bulk add a MobileAppId to several Windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration
#784 opened by DCourtel - 2
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Graph SDK V5: Cannot access mobileAppDependency
#783 opened by DCourtel - 0
A project that mixes official and beta SDK can't use Microsoft.Graph.Constants
#765 opened by olivermue - 2
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Graph SDK V5: _graphClient.DeviceAppManagement.MobileApps[appId].PatchAsync(mobileApp) throw an Exception
#699 opened by DCourtel - 10
Graph SDK V5: graphClient.DeviceAppManagement.MobileApps.Count.GetAsync throw an ODataError exception
#697 opened by DCourtel - 3
Incorrect JSON payload formatting for ScheduledActionsForRule.PostAsync(), and wrong URL for POST call
#758 opened by billgatesfan - 1
.NET 8 support
#757 opened by VladislavAntonyuk - 4
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Update Android and iosManagedAppProtections returns No Content - 204 instead of OK - 200
#738 opened by dansmitt - 0
Cannot create ChangeNotificationCollection from JSON
#730 opened by jasonjoh - 2
Connection issues
#717 opened by DanLepageOrbit - 2
Unable to pull IdentityRisk events
#723 opened by mjanulaitis - 1
GetOffice365GroupsActivityDetailWithPeriod: wrong GroupId and GroupDisplayName
#712 opened by idealser - 1
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Querying single detected application throws Microsoft.Graph.Beta.Models.ODataErrors.ODataError exception
#703 opened by retirem - 2
Expanding detected apps does not work
#701 opened by retirem