- 3
Sporadic ClaimsChallengeRequiredException using client secret authentication in newer versions of SDK
#2215 opened by skattekristian - 0
createdDateTime field is missing from
#2246 opened by greg-anetac - 0
Upload file to Sharepoint failed with 'Stream mark expired' when the inputstream is markSuppoted
#2245 opened by ihudedi - 2
List sites isn't working when the Site.selected permission is applied and not ReadAll or ReadWrite.All
#2241 opened by ihudedi - 1
Drives appear empty resulting in NullPointerException when retriving DriveItems
#2225 opened by AAckerlund - 1
Is GraphServiceClient threadsafe?
#2224 opened by siddhartha-ghosh - 0
- 1
Creating a Team always returns an empty Team : Cannot get the ID of the created Team.
#2238 opened by ptrussart - 1
Can not make request after migrating to V6 from V5
#2236 opened by talalong - 0
large amount of$Pair objects are allocated, memory leak?
#2235 opened by kindlychung - 0
GraphClient me().events().byEventid(...) throws RuntimeException on unexpected request response type text/html
#2234 opened by etcoyvindf - 1
OperationStatus not correctly decoded from JSON
#2233 opened by pschichtel - 7
How to get drive item by path
#2213 opened by susanYYT - 8
[BUG] Application never end when trying to connect to sharepoint via client secret credentials
#2210 opened by ihudedi - 2
- 1
- 0
- 2
BatchRequestContent doesn't work with big messages
#2188 opened by Rabbit2004Liza - 2
- 1
Getting photo of the user
#2195 opened by ravi-b-m - 4
- 1
#2193 opened by thabthsh99 - 1
الواتس الرسمي
#2192 opened by thabthsh99 - 4
- 2
Improve default RetryHandler implementation
#2186 opened by Geiste - 2
InvalidRequest: Missing header Client-Request-Id. Header Client-Request-Id is not a guid
#2164 opened by praducg - 3
Microsoft Graph Java SDK v.6.16.0 return empty site list with "*" and ""(empty) search query parameter
#2184 opened by SashaUsov - 2
- 1
- 4
Drives SDK - Get Items Children Not working
#2123 opened by kosik - 2
logger.setLoggingLevel(LoggerLevel.DEBUG) doesn't capture the Request and Response for Successful API calls
#2171 opened by boeapen - 2
Microsoft Graph - Error executing the request
#2159 opened by Exrsapaa - 8
Trying to attach a large file (>30mb) to the attachment, But unable to attach and getting error message
#2148 opened by sharmaakshay1704 - 2
#2158 opened by criskkan1 - 1
OneNote ContentRequestBuilder does not support the includeIDs query parameter
#2165 opened by aaronanderson - 4
Channel isArchived is missing
#2100 opened by BradPlayerZero - 1
InteractiveBrowserCredential not working in Android
#2160 opened by diyoyo - 0
Infinite loop when setting the team property on a Group under specific circumstances
#2106 opened by mkomko - 2
API call is hanging
#2140 opened by bibhas2 - 1
replace mockito inline by mockito core
#2133 opened by baywet - 4
Can't get/patch fields for SharePoint drive item by path
#2126 opened by poschi3 - 0
Add a workflow to validate public API surface changes
#2138 opened by Ndiritu - 1
- 2
Batch Steps in random order
#2109 opened by dan-drewes - 1
- 0
automate OSS portal steps
#2113 opened by baywet - 4
Implementing pagination in a middleware scenario
#2107 opened by cascer1 - 1
Provide Graph API support to force update document or create a new version when the document is open in Edit mode.
#2102 opened by AnujShahSifthub - 2
Batch request for more than four steps with ms-graph
#2103 opened by dewijant - 2
sdk size too large
#2098 opened by salomon1184