Boiler plate when iterating through collections
Moh-inc opened this issue · 4 comments
Hello, i have a small question.
- With the new page iterator there is a boilerplate associated with each request and iterating through it. Since a new page iterator would need to be created for each request.
- I was wondering if there is a generic way to create an iterator to run on collection requests and delta collection requests.
So I created this code, from looking at the generated code in the msft graph sdk:
public static <T extends Parsable> void genericIterator(
GraphServiceClient graphClient,
BaseDeltaFunctionResponse res,
Consumer<T> processEntity,
Consumer<String> processDeltaLink) {
PageIterator<T, BaseDeltaFunctionResponse> pageIterator;
try {
pageIterator = new PageIterator.Builder<T, BaseDeltaFunctionResponse>()
.processPageItemCallback(entity -> {
return true;
} catch (ApiException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
log.error("Error ", e);
public static <T extends Parsable> void genericIterator(
GraphServiceClient graphClient,
BaseCollectionPaginationCountResponse res,
Consumer<T> processGroupOwner) {
PageIterator<T, BaseCollectionPaginationCountResponse> pageIterator;
try {
pageIterator = new PageIterator.Builder<T, BaseCollectionPaginationCountResponse>()
.processPageItemCallback(entity -> {
return true;
} catch (ApiException | ReflectiveOperationException e) {
log.error("Error ", e);
This second method works with general collectors, but not the first one for delta collections.
I was wondering if this is even recommending considering that the sdk is based on code generations and/or if there is a way to iterate over collections in a more concise manner than the current page iterator.
Error received from the generic delta collection iterator:
DeltaGetResponse res2 = graphServiceClient.groups().delta().get();
genericIterator(graphServiceClient, res2, (Group group) -> {"Group: {} {}", group.getId(), group.getDisplayName());
}, (String deltaLink) -> {"DeltaLink: {}", deltaLink);
java.lang.IllegalAccessException: NO_COLLECTION_PROPERTY_ERROR
@Moh-inc thank you for your feedback and proposed improvements. These are really helpful to the future of this SDK.
The exception is thrown because the HTTP response returned after hitting the nextLink URL contains a "value" property but the collectionPageFactory
set to BaseDeltaFunctionResponse
does not handle deserialization of the value
It would be ideal if the collectionPageFactory
is a parameter of the methods so that a derived DeltaFunctionResponse type can be passed and the value
property is correctly deserialized e.g. a Group
The same issue is likely to affect your implementation for the generic collections if a next page is returned.
The collectionPageFactory
guides the deserializer on how to deserialze the value
I do however like the idea of adding a convenience method to reduce the boilerplate to instantiate a PageIterator
. This is worth exploring further.
Hello @Moh-inc , I just wanted to chime in here, since we are using something similiar in our project.
We use the following method to iterate and put elements into a list. Please Excuse the random ordering of the parameters. Hopefully this can be useful for you. We are able to use this method for both normal Collection requests and Delta Collection requests.
public static <TEntity extends Parsable, TCollectionPage extends Parsable & AdditionalDataHolder> String getList(
@Nonnull List<TEntity> theList,
@Nonnull GraphServiceClient gc,
TCollectionPage pageResponse,
@Nonnull ParsableFactory<TCollectionPage> collectionPageFactory
throws ReflectiveOperationException {
if(pageResponse== null) {
return null;
var pageIterator = new PageIterator.Builder<TEntity, TCollectionPage>()
.processPageItemCallback((item) -> {
return true;
return pageIterator.getDeltaLink();
Example usage:
String deltaString = "... the delta string from last time";
GraphServiceClient graphClient = ... //get your client
List<Group> groupList= new ArrayList<>();
DeltaGetResponse groups = graphClient.groups().delta().withUrl(deltaString).get();
String groupDeltaLink = GraphUtil.getList(groupList, graphClient, groups, DeltaGetResponse::createFromDiscriminatorValue);
@etcoyvindf Looks good thank you for sharing!