//1-Write a function called counter that, when invoked, always returns a number that is one more than the previous invocation. For instance:

function counter() { // TODO: your code here } // counter(); // => 1 // counter(); // => 2 // counter(); // => 3 // // etc.

//2-Write a function called scoreToGrade that accepts a number as a parameter and returns a string representing a letter grade corresponding to that score.

function scoreToGrade(score) { // TODO: your code here } // scoreToGrade(95); // => 'A' // scoreToGrade(72); // => 'C'

//3-Write the functions described below. Each must take one number as an argument:

// even: returns true if its argument is even, and false if odd. // odd: the opposite of the above. // positive: returns true if its argument is positive, and false if negative. // negative: the opposite of the above.