
The dysbiosisR package implements tools for calculating some common microbiome dysbiosis measures

Primary LanguageRGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

R-CMD-check License: GPL v3 GitHub Repo stars Lifecycle: experimental codecov


The dysbiosisR package is a collection of functions to calculate six dysbiosis measures from microbiota profiling data. The package currently supports microbiome data organized as phyloseq objects.


You can install the development version of dysbiosisR like this:


Load package


We welcome feedback and suggestions.

How to use

Check out the dysbiosisR vignette and documentation of functions for more details.


Contributions and feedback are very welcome:


Shetty SA, WAA de Steenhuijsen Piters., et al., 2022. dysbiosisR: an R package for calculating microbiome dysbiosis measures.


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This work was done at the Department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Prevention at UMC Groningen in collaboration with the Microbiome Group at the RIVM.


Sudarshan A. Shetty (sudarshanshetty9[@]gmail[dot]com)
Susana Fuentes (susana[dot]fuentes[@]rivm[dot]nl)