- 0
Linter/Eslint Configuration for React-Redux
#236 opened by jebitok-dev - 1
Outdated Ruby linter
#247 opened by Goldinium - 0
Issue on npx hint .
#246 opened by MalikTalha03 - 0
HTML & CSS3 Course - please edit
#244 opened by Drew246 - 4
Webhint Error [ERR_REQUIRE_ESM]
#243 opened by ctokoli - 2
#237 opened by Uthmanbello - 0
#161 opened by RafaelEchart - 0
npm command not working
#180 opened by gracekabaghe - 0
Remains tilda at the end of code.
#162 opened by kensayo - 2
Warning in .rubocop.yml
#184 opened by Hombre2014 - 2
Remove Template Literal
#230 opened by ohyajk - 1
linters.yml file throws "Lighthouse" error
#229 opened by PrantoshB - 3
Use higher version on Nodejs in linter action
#196 opened by ahangarha - 1
Warning in rubocop.yml
#224 opened by Miliyonayalew - 0
Ruby Lintes install
#223 opened by d4nQw3rty - 0
Disabling Javascript "Line Break Style" Rule
#218 opened by ichala - 0
- 0
Please Update stylelintrc.json to include Tailwind CSS compiled file in 'ignoreFiles' key.
#214 opened by Zuhaib042 - 6
Extra character on eslint command
#192 opened by kosher9 - 0
Setup Ruby action deprecation
#210 opened by teckim - 0
@-rule issues with plain SASS
#209 opened by MattGomb - 0
- 0
- 1
Ubuntu 18.04 depreciation
#205 opened by teckim - 1
Linters config update
#207 opened by pinkmoon25 - 0
Constant : Obsolete linters configuration file
#204 opened by Chrissiku - 0
Please add /dist in line 20 of linters.yml
#200 opened by MarcoOquendoC - 0
Eslint complains about single named exports
#199 opened by gnuion - 0
- 3
- 0
- 6
#185 opened by sergiogval - 0
- 0
Ruby Linters Config R-Spec throws error
#181 opened by Anjacodes - 0
Request for upgrading stylelint to v.14
#178 opened by ahangarha - 1
- 0
- 4
webhint @6.1.6 AnalyzerError: EACCES: permission denied, scandir '/lost+found'
#168 opened by MrBrN197 - 1
Webhint Report still gives permission denied
#169 opened by mrEckendonk - 0
Missing ESlint Rule: One JSX Element Per Line (react/jsx-one-expression-per-line)
#171 opened by nikoescobal - 1
Webhint has removed telemetry
#166 opened by piero-vic - 0
Missing package.json for Windows
#165 opened by jorgevrgs - 2
Tilda (`) at the end of instruction to install ESlint causing errors while setting up linters
#160 opened by KabohaJeanMark - 0
docs/ folder as exception
#159 opened by vichuge - 1
Add aditional module on linters.yml for React-redux
#152 opened by vichuge - 0
Disable linebreak-style on react linters
#158 opened by vichuge - 0
Dependency cycle detected import/no-cycle
#151 opened by SarvarKh - 0
- 3
Error with Rubocop on branch.
#148 opened by carlos-ssh - 2
selector-type-case error on a .js file
#145 opened by Mupa1