Table-editor with REST API and CRUD operations. Powered with Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL and React.js
Check out DEMO
Clone repository:
$ cd table-editor
Install RVM:
$ \curl -sSL | bash
Install ruby, create a gemset:
$ rvm install ruby-2.3.0
$ rvm use 2.3.0@teditor --create
Install app dependencies:
$ gem install bundler && bundle install
Install Postgres:
Create database & update DB schema:
$ rake db:create
$ rake db:migrate
Run development server:
$ rails s
GET /fragments
display a list of all fragments
POST /fragments
create a new fragment
PUT /fragments/:id
update a specific fragment
DELETE /fragments/:id
delete a specific fragment
|-- app/
| |-- assets/
| | |-- javascripts/
| | | |-- components/ # React components
| | |-- stylesheets/ # CSS
| |-- controllers/ # Rails controllers
| |-- models/ # Rails models
| |-- views/ # HTML templates with embedded Ruby
|-- config/ # app config files and initializers
|-- db/ # DB schema and migrations
|-- Gemfile # List of Ruby gems
|-- Procfile # Heroku dyno scripts