
Various dockerized developer tools

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Various dockerized developer tools

Getting Started

Machine Setup

# install Docker
open https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/

bash ./dt start|debug|stop
# - start: spins up composed containers in background and redirects output to dev-server.log

# - debug: spins up composed containers in foreground streams output to terminal

# - stop: spins down composed containers

# - build: builds the requirments base image

# - shell: opens a bash shell in the flask container

# - nginx: opens a bash shell in the nginx container

# NOTE - stop and shell attempt to delete python bytecode files when done but may throw and error on diff systems

Release creation

The github release process is mostly automated with the help of some npm packages. Use these to automatically bump your sem var version, update the CHANGELOG.md, tag the branch, push to github and create a release using the new tag.

brew install node@latest
npm install -g release-it auto-changelog
release-it configuration
usage (type the following then follow the prompts)

Make git a little easier to use | Config

This will provide useful git aliases and configuration

git config include.path ../git/config.txt
git config --global user.prefix <# personal branch name prefix - i.e. I use `mocurlz` #>
  1. git ls [-n #] - outputs abbreviated git log from newest to oldest
    • optional -n followed by number of entries you want to see
  2. git lg [-n #] - outputs abbreviated git graph log from oldest to newest
    • optional -n followed by number of entries you want to see
  3. git bclean [<# branch name #>] - deletes merged branches relative to the branch provided
    • optional branch name provided[defaults to develop]
    • Note : you must be on the branch you want to delete merged branches relative to
  4. git pr <pr #> - fetch and checkout a new branch based on the PR # provided
  5. git cob <# new branch name #> - create and checkout new branch name prefixed with your handle
  6. git pbo <# new branch name #> - (Push Branch to Origin) shortcut for git push -u origin < #branch name# >
  7. git bv - list currently available local branches
  8. git s - git status
  9. git stauts - git status (I always misspell it this way)
  10. git mbc [branch name] - (Merge Base Current) identify the common commit between current branch and provided branch name (defaults to develop)