- 3
- 2
Readme request: link gifs to source code of each
#86 opened by hamoid - 3
- 4
`PGS_ShapeBoolean.union(PShape, PShape)` returns shape identical to input argument
#62 opened by puebloDeLaMuerte - 1
Conversion: handle multi-contour/shape PShapes
#67 opened by micycle1 - 4
`PGS_Processing.slice()` returns nullpointer exception in `P2D` render mode
#55 opened by mheesakkers - 7
- 2
Examples using the 'Illustrations'
#44 opened by robottini - 2
- 2
Not working with `P2D`
#39 opened by matheplica - 1
Investigate JTS OffsetCurve class
#52 opened by micycle1 - 3
- 3
Intermittent "Invalid number of points in LinearRing" when using `PGS_ShapeBoolean.subtract()`
#22 opened by mrwoodo