
C# Lessson and CLR notes

Primary LanguageC#


C# Lessson and CLR notes


/////////////////////// //// Fundamentals ///////////////////////

#1 Compile & create exe:

csc.exe /out:App.exe /t:exe App.cs

#2 Create .netmodule:

csc.exe /t:module MyType.cs


#3 Disassembler

ildasm app.exe ildasm mylib.dll ildasm mytype..netmodule

#4 StrongNameUtility

Create a public-Private key pair with your company name

SN -k zzcompany.snk

Extract the public key from the .snk file

SN -p zzcompany.snk zzcopmany.PublicKey sha256

using -tp switch to extract the public key from the binary format

SN -tp zzcopmany.PublicKey