
This repo shows how to use git2go with the c-based libgit2 package to create a simple app that will clone a private repo using the https protocol.

It's OSX specific (for now), but the end has a start at how to xgo to cross-compile for other platforms.

Here's some useful links to review:

Before you start


Coming soon. Well, maybe not soon. But coming.


You'll need, at a minimum, libgit2-dev, libssh2-1-dev, libssl-dev, and cmake. For example, on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get install libgit2-dev libssh2-1-dev libssl-dev cmake

Mac OS X

Install homebrew (if you don't already have it)

Even if you're planning on using xgo, you need to have cmake so that you can build all the various c files into something go can use. You'll also need pkg-config and libssh2:

brew install cmake pkg-config libssh2

If you encouter problems locating libssh2 or zlib, try running this:

brew outdated "pkg-config" || brew upgrade "pkg-config"

See this github thread for details

Get git2go

git2go is the Golang wrapper on top of libgit2:

go get

Note that you'll get an error saying libgit2 not found. This is OK.

# pkg-config --cflags libgit2
Package libgit2 was not found in the pkg-config search path.
Perhaps you should add the directory containing `libgit2.pc'
to the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable
No package 'libgit2' found
pkg-config: exit status 1

Load the c file for libgit2

This step initially confused me, but basically here you just go through the steps listed in

cd $GOPATH/src/
git checkout next
git submodule update --init # get libgit2

If everything works correctly, run this to install it:

make install

Run main.go

At this point, you should be able to run main.go, like this:

go run main.go

Building a release for equinox

Once you've got it working and compiled, you can use equinox to package and distribute it.

First, set your equinox-specific environment variables:

export EQUINOX_APP=<your app key>
export EQUINOX_KEY=<path to your equinox key>
export EQUINOX_TOKEN=<your token>

Then run the release tool:

equinox release \
  --version="0.0.1" \
  --platforms="darwin_amd64" \
  --signing-key=$EQUINOX_KEY \
  --app=$EQUINOX_APP \
  --token=$EQUINOX_TOKEN \

Cross compiling the binary with xgo:

xgo is a Docker-based cross compiler for Go. Basically, it puts a bunch of build environments as Docker images so that you can install their build toolchains more easily.

To install it (from the projects README):

docker pull karalabe/xgo-latest

To prevent having to remember a potentially complex Docker command every time, a lightweight Go wrapper was written on top of it.

go get

Once you have this going, you can build a binary for a specific platform like this:

xgo --targets=darwin/* .

Running Godeps

Undoubtedly, at some point, you'll need to use Godeps to manage all the dependencies, so here are the commands.

$ godep save ./...       # saves your GOPATH to the Godep folder
$ godep go build ./...  # builds using the Godep vendored dependencies

For details, see: