
Django-Tube: A Youtube inspired video hosting website powered by Django. Upload/Comment/Like/Dislike/View with Account Creation and Pagnation. Focus on Responsive Design using Flexbox and Semantic UI.

Primary LanguagePython


A project I began in order to exercise my back-end django skills and incorporating new things I wanted to practice. Some things include:

*Video Integration using Video.js
*Responsive UI Design Using Semantic UI, Flexbox, and Media Queries
*User video uploading
*User video search using Django's Q searching, i.e searching by video title, description, and author name.
*User Comments
*User Like/Dislikes on Videos/Comments
*Counts total Views
*Recommendation Pane On The Right of Playing Videos
*User Profile Connections including profile pictures
*Video and Comment Pagnation using Django's Built in Pagnation tools
*Creating Custom Django Template Tags
*Focus on making website mobile friendly using media queries
*Setting up a custom User Registration/Login template


  • User Registration
  • Video/Image Uploads
  • Video Search Using Django's Q Search
  • Video/Comment Pagnation
  • Video Like/Dislike/Views

Main Page: Alt text

Video Detail: Alt text

Video Detail When Mobile:
Alt text
Upload Video Page: Alt text

Video Search Pagnation: Alt text

Video Comment Pagnation: Alt text