My site

This is my personal professional website, rendered at, and built on the skinny bones foundation.

Notes to self

  • Blog teaser images should be 1.5:1 width:height. These are used in Twitter cards.

  • For local build: Comment out the url in _config.yml


  • Inline: \(x + 1\)
  • Display mode: \[x + 1\] or $$x + 1$$

RMarkdown blogging

  • .Rmd files go in _Rmd
  • source Rutils/knitpost
  • call knitpost('file-name') or knitAll()
  • .md file should land in _posts/blog/
  • On bundle exec jekyll build, .html should end up in _site/blog/new-post_title/index.html
  • image paths are specified as images/, so specify, e.g. as blog/my-image.png