
This small program looks at data in data sources (such as Elasticsearch) and can generate an IP blacklist suitable for ingestion into a firewall, such as the Dynamic Block List (DBL) supported by Palo Alto Networks' PAN-OS 5.0.

Primary LanguagePHP

About Blocklister

This small program looks at data in data sources (such as Elasticsearch) and can generate an IP blocklist suitable for ingestion into a firewall, such as the Dynamic Block List (DBL) supported by Palo Alto Networks' PAN-OS 5.0.

Author and Copyright



This program is composed of a bash script, blocklist_cron.sh that triggers the fetching and writes the blocklist output. This script can be run manually or by cron. In turn, the blocklist_cron.sh calls two PHP scripts, update_list.php and get_list.php which do the heavy lifting of querying Elasticsearch, filtering the results, and writing the blocklist to a working database. This working database can be either a local Sqlite database file stored in the data/ subdirectory, or a MySQL database.


Installation process

  1. Put the directory containing this README and the scripts (including the lib/ and data/ directories) somewhere on your machine. git clone https://github.com/middlebury/blocklister.git

  2. If you do not have Composer installed globally on your machine, you can prepare a local install as described here.

  3. Install the dependencies in vendor/ by

    cd blocklister
    php composer.phar install
  4. Copy config.php.example to config.php.

  5. Edit config.php to choose your database (it defaults to using a Sqlite file stored at data/blocklist.sq3) and configure where your Elasticsearch datasource lives and what behavior signatures it should match.


Normally, the program would be run every minute or few minutes from cron with a line like the following:

* * * * * /path/to/blocklister/blocklist_cron.sh -o /var/www/html/blocklist.txt | logger -t blocklister -p local0.info

You may want to log to different syslog facilities or change the output file location.