Pinned Repositories
Jekyll Plugin for List Github Repositories
JSON to AST parser in PHP
Personal Blog
Blogmaster - Blog system for TYPO3 CMS. A simple extension to create blog in TYPO3. The extension is available on TER, you can install it from TYPO3 ExtensionManager or via composer. (EXT:blogmaster)
A Clock which shows server time and timezone in backend (EXT:server_clock)
Display Timezone is simple plug-in to display current time with timezone in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.
WP-Notify is a notification plugin, this will help you to notify or alert some informations/about latest posts/system maintenance time etc to your visitors. The plugin have an admin area, from there you can choose what type of message you want to show and which style you want to use. You can change the color and display styles from the dropdown list. Three styles are there, StackOverFlow, Safari Alert and Facebook Style, and three events are on load, on scroll and on mouse move.
midhundevasia's Repositories
Blogmaster - Blog system for TYPO3 CMS. A simple extension to create blog in TYPO3. The extension is available on TER, you can install it from TYPO3 ExtensionManager or via composer. (EXT:blogmaster)
JSON to AST parser in PHP
A Clock which shows server time and timezone in backend (EXT:server_clock)
Jekyll Plugin for List Github Repositories
Personal Blog
Display Timezone is simple plug-in to display current time with timezone in the upper right of your admin screen on every page.
WP-Notify is a notification plugin, this will help you to notify or alert some informations/about latest posts/system maintenance time etc to your visitors. The plugin have an admin area, from there you can choose what type of message you want to show and which style you want to use. You can change the color and display styles from the dropdown list. Three styles are there, StackOverFlow, Safari Alert and Facebook Style, and three events are on load, on scroll and on mouse move.